Is Britain fracking the wrong thing?

Whilst Germany is fast developing its solar power we have started to dig our own grave by fracking the delicate crust beneath our feet! :cry:

Hang on Hang are aware that germany has had problems in not being able to generate enough power and its caused big problems ??

I read it a few months back, when the wind drops what do you think happens ? :LOL:
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(I read it a few months back, when the wind drops what do you think happens ? icon_lol.gif)

You dash to the "Bog"?

In this thread we learn Mike is a gullible fool.


As to a poor return to investors, HURR DURR, that means cheaper electricity or gas for us consumers.

This could mean that investors don't bother investing, so no fracking happens at all. More likely IMO, the fracking companies will set the price at what the consumer will bear i.e. it will be basically what we pay now anyway.
I can't remember where I read it, but do not expect "gas too cheap to meter" (to borrow the nuclear industry's catchphrase of the (60's?)) - the UK and US gas markets are not comparable. Once the US has extracted the gas, they pretty much have to use or store it; the UK has the infrastructure to pipe it to mainland Europe. So the argument goes, the frackers will sell "our" gas to the highest bidder.

Typical anti-fracking nuttery.

Show a picture of wells in a dry arid location, and claim that this is caused by fracking.

This is like saying Iraq used to look like green and pleasant england until oil wells were discovered.


the UK has the infrastructure to pipe it to mainland Europe. So the argument goes, the frackers will sell "our" gas to the highest bidder.

And we tax the profits, win/win.
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Whilst Germany is fast developing its solar power we have started to dig our own grave by fracking the delicate crust beneath our feet! :cry:
Ahh, yes, good old Germany with it's thousands of acres of 'energiewende' subsidised solar panels. Germany had the highest priced electricity in Europe and it rose by another 47% in the last 12 months. This is now having a serious effect on industry and productivity. On top of that, the massive increased reliability on unreliable solar has massively increased the output of carbon sourced base load. The net result of which is German carbon output increased by 1.8% when the whole of Europe reduced by 1.3%. So what, exactly, is the bleeding point? And that's in a country that has the benefit of reasonable amounts of insolation!
Back in the '70s during the OPEC crisis the US investigated several alternative fuels.
One that interests me the most is biodiesel from algae. It doesnt require huge amounts of arable land, it doesn't need fresh or even clean water, and it's practically carbon neutral as the algae absorbs CO2 as it grows.

Of course its not as 'green' as 'free' energy from wind, wave and solar panels so the hemp sandal brigade probably wouldn't like it. :rolleyes:
Leaving aside all the other risks, how do they intend to deal with millions of gallons of radioactive waste water per well?

I think there's a certain amount of exaggeration here, to say nothing of fear-mongering.

How shall we dispose of 'low-level radioactive water'? Sends chills down the spine, doesn't it?
I guess you haven't realised yet that the radiation in the rock strata is released by the fracking process and rather than being naturally shielded from contact with us, it is returned up the wellheads as part of the slick water 'wastage'...

A juvenile mistake on your part of course... ;)

It sounds to me that the anti-fracking greenies are becoming desperate.

Given the fact that fracking is now seen by a majority as a threat (despite the bribes), I'd say the governement are the ones who are desperate!
AronSearle";p="3017650 said:
the UK has the infrastructure to pipe it to mainland Europe. So the argument goes, the frackers will sell "our" gas to the highest bidder.

And we tax the profits, win/win.

Thank you AS.
What is the likelihood of the fracking companies making very little profit (in a similar manner to how Starbucks has been accused of operating), and therefore paying next to nothing in tax?.
Thank you AS.
What is the likelihood of the fracking companies making very little profit (in a similar manner to how Starbucks has been accused of operating), and therefore paying next to nothing in tax?.

Not very likely at all.

But then making up pretend scenarios sums up the anti frack crowd.
What is the likelihood of the fracking companies making very little profit (in a similar manner to how Starbucks has been accused of operating), and therefore paying next to nothing in tax?.

Given the rather lax, tax inspectorate in this country, combined with the "creative accounting" employed by Starbucks etc, etc, I'd think the likelihood of these fracking companies paying any tax, is virtually zero.
;) ;)
Another thicko.

So how come we get lots of tax on north sea oil (which you should know about jock"scott". How come nordic countries get rich on oil.

yea sure, you can run energy firms like starbucks :LOL:
Leaving aside all the other risks, how do they intend to deal with millions of gallons of radioactive waste water per well?

I think there's a certain amount of exaggeration here, to say nothing of fear-mongering.

How shall we dispose of 'low-level radioactive water'? Sends chills down the spine, doesn't it?
I guess you haven't realised yet that the radiation in the rock strata is released by the fracking process and rather than being naturally shielded from contact with us, it is returned up the wellheads as part of the slick water 'wastage'...

I am aware of that. To simplify, my point is that any (low grade) radioactivity released by extracting water from fracking wells is peanuts compared to the pre-existing natural radiation that we have always been subjected to, and which appears to have done us no harm.

I'm sure there must be educational web sites that explain and quantify the levels of background radiation. I know that the NRPB published such information but, unfortunately, I can't remember the new title the organisation adopted since I worked with radiation.
A juvenile mistake on your part of course

Do you suffer from Tourette's?

At the risk of sounding impolite, I only ask because almost all of your posts seem to include similar derisory comments.

It could be worse, of course. I've heard some Tourette's sufferers decorate their language with every second word beginning with 'F'!
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