According to Boeing it is!
Doomed Boeing planes lacked two optional safety features
"Boeing reportedly sold the 737 Max planes that crashed in Indonesia and Ethiopia without two safety features that the US aircraft manufacturer offers airlines for an additional cost."
And it may not just be Boeing either...
"It is up to airlines to decide whether to pay for upgrades to a standard plane – a practice that is common among aircraft manufacturers and allows them to charge extra, often for aesthetic features relating to seating or lighting, but for other features relevant to the operation of planes, too.
Regulators do not require airlines to buy optional extras, and many low-cost carriers opt not to."
And if the regulators are turning a blind eye to safety 'optional extras', then it's just yet another case of 'profit before people'...
If proven to be the cause in these crashes, Boeing should be taken to the cleaners!
Think you’re being a bit sensenatonalist here.
Obviously it’s terrible what’s happened with these crashes, but from a couple of news reports I’d read there was a suggestion that it was a new anti-stall safety feature that may have caused the accidents. If so, the liability clearly is with Boeing.
Returning to your point of ‘profits before people’ - All planes, cars, etc will have to meet minimum safety standards set by regulators.
There is no reason why customers can or can’t choose to buy additional safety features above the minimum level.
My Renault kangoo van had stability control as an optional extra when sold new (2011). Makes my van safer, but doesn’t make others inherently unsafe and Renault liable if someone puts it into a ditch through bad driving.
Bicycles aren’t sold with helmets...