Islamic terrorists in Sweeden

home office report 2020:

"Research has found that group-based CSE offenders are most commonly White"

A previous piece of research from 2015 found that of 1,231 perpetrators of "group and gang-based child sexual exploitation", 42% were white, 14% were defined as Asian or Asian British and 17% black.

the majority of CSE offenders in certain samples are White (Berelowitz et al., 2012; Berelowitz et al., 2015; NPCC, 2015)

Study of England, Scotland and Wales dispels myth of ‘Asian grooming gangs’ popularised by far right

The majority of child sexual abuse gangs are made up of white men under the age of 30, an official paper has said.

you might want to read: Offender characteristics and 5.1.3. Ethnicity in your link.

It doesn't support your hypothesis.
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you might want to read: Offender characteristics and 5.1.3. Ethnicity in your link.

It doesn't support your hypothesis.
Young vulnerable girls - Asian male grooming gangs.

Babies and infant children that haven't learned to speak - white male organised paedophile gangs.

A list of paedophiles in the UK will show that they are overwhelmingly white male.
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Imagine you have a box of mixed nails. 80% are 6 inch and 20% are 5 inch. You put your hand in the box 10 times and pull out a nail.

If 4 are 5 inch are they over represented?
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However even you must admit that their contribution to the world is infinitely greater and they are far more acceptable than THAT religion.

What a load of racist nonsense. Have you been talking to Arab-haters, such as are found in racist Israel?

Who do you think developed astronomy, algebra, trigonometry, geometry, accurate mapmaking, first measured the circumference of the earth, and defined the laws of motion before Newton?

Who inoculated against smallpox before Jenner?

Who calculated π correctly to 17 significant figures?

Who wrote textbooks on opthalmology and developed instruments for eye surgery before Hooke?

Who created the astronomical tables used later by Copernicus? Where was pharmacology developed? Who compiled an encyclopedia in the 13th century? Who travelled to China before Polo, and to Africa before Livingstone?
Who do you think developed astronomy, algebra, trigonometry, geometry, accurate mapmaking, first measured the circumference of the earth, and defined the laws of motion before Newton?

Who inoculated against smallpox before Jenner?

Who calculated π correctly to 17 significant figures?

Who wrote textbooks on opthalmology and developed instruments for eye surgery before Hooke?

Who created the astronomical tables used later by Copernicus? Where was pharmacology developed? Who compiled an encyclopedia in the 13th century? Who travelled to China before Polo, and to Africa before Livingstone?

Greeks? Portugese?
Who do you think developed astronomy, algebra, trigonometry, geometry, accurate mapmaking, first measured the circumference of the earth, and defined the laws of motion before Newton?

Who inoculated against smallpox before Jenner?

Who calculated π correctly to 17 significant figures?

Who wrote textbooks on opthalmology and developed instruments for eye surgery before Hooke?

Who created the astronomical tables used later by Copernicus? Where was pharmacology developed? Who compiled an encyclopedia in the 13th century? Who travelled to China before Polo, and to Africa before Livingstone?

That's all very well, but if they're so smart, why do they insist on wearing sheets and sandals in Northern Europe? In the 21st century? :rolleyes:

Perhaps I should have stipulated contribution to the modern world.
That's all very well, but if they're so smart, why do they insist on wearing sheets and sandals in Northern Europe? In the 21st century? :rolleyes:

Perhaps I should have stipulated contribution to the modern world.
Just be grateful we don't make you walk around in a puffy shirt with bells round your ankle, in the West Country. :D
you might want to read: Offender characteristics and 5.1.3. Ethnicity in your link.

It doesn't support your hypothesis.
your incessant lies are tedious, please stop it is making you look foolish and dishonest

from your link 5.1.3

"this would appear to suggest that those from an ethnic minority background more generally are not over-represented in CSA offending"

"White formed the largest group of offender ethnicity in both gangs and groups."
Imagine you have a box of mixed nails. 80% are 6 inch and 20% are 5 inch. You put your hand in the box 10 times and pull out a nail.

If 4 are 5 inch are they over represented?
your link says ethnic minorities are not over represented

best you keep quiet eh
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