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your link says ethnic minorities are not over represented

best you keep quiet eh
It’s your link and you clearly don’t understand it.

You do have to read all of it. Not just the bits you think support your notion.

Best you stop being a dummy eh
your incessant lies are tedious, please stop it is making you look foolish and dishonest

from your link 5.1.3

"this would appear to suggest that those from an ethnic minority background more generally are not over-represented in CSA offending"

"White formed the largest group of offender ethnicity in both gangs and groups."

Looks like you need it spelt out.

Some available research finds that, in line with the population of the UK, the majority of CSE offenders in certain samples are White (Berelowitz et al., 2012; Berelowitz et al., 2015; NPCC, 2015), but there is also some limited evidence of an over-representation of Asian offenders compared with their proportion of the population. However, this evidence is often based on small sample sizes not meant for generalisation to the wider population. With these small samples it therefore remains difficult to draw conclusions about the make-up of the offender population and compare this with the local demography of certain areas. Further, data on ethnicity are often poorly collected and incomplete (CEOP, 2011; Berelowitz et al., 2012; Skidmore et al., 2016).

Hence the evidence doesn’t support your hypothesis.
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Looks like you need it spelt out.

Some available research finds that, in line with the population of the UK, the majority of CSE offenders in certain samples are White (Berelowitz et al., 2012; Berelowitz et al., 2015; NPCC, 2015), but there is also some limited evidence of an over-representation of Asian offenders compared with their proportion of the population. However, this evidence is often based on small sample sizes not meant for generalisation to the wider population. With these small samples it therefore remains difficult to draw conclusions about the make-up of the offender population and compare this with the local demography of certain areas. Further, data on ethnicity are often poorly collected and incomplete (CEOP, 2011; Berelowitz et al., 2012; Skidmore et al., 2016).

Hence the evidence doesn’t support your hypothesis.
Even if it were true, so what? No doubt there have always been British paedophiles, and other criminals. That doesn't mean it's OK to bring in more of them from other countries.
That paragraph certainly does not support yours.

However, one unmistakeable fact....
I'm fairly sure my only statement was that the evidence doesn't support Notch's hypothesis. I have made no alternative claim.

55.4% of the UK population is White Male. So depending on your definition of "overwhelmingly", that could still be inline with the overall population.

You understand what they mean when they wrote:

"in line with the population of the UK, the majority.."
I'm fairly sure my only statement was that the evidence doesn't support Notch's hypothesis. I have made no alternative claim.

55.4% of the UK population is White Male. So depending on your definition of "overwhelmingly", that could still be inline with the overall population.

55% is not overwhelming in anybodys book. Slight majority. Yes. Overwhelming. No
Looks like you need it spelt out.

Some available research finds that, in line with the population of the UK, the majority of CSE offenders in certain samples are White (Berelowitz et al., 2012; Berelowitz et al., 2015; NPCC, 2015), but there is also some limited evidence of an over-representation of Asian offenders compared with their proportion of the population. However, this evidence is often based on small sample sizes not meant for generalisation to the wider population. With these small samples it therefore remains difficult to draw conclusions about the make-up of the offender population and compare this with the local demography of certain areas. Further, data on ethnicity are often poorly collected and incomplete (CEOP, 2011; Berelowitz et al., 2012; Skidmore et al., 2016).

Hence the evidence doesn’t support your hypothesis.
" However, this evidence is often based on small sample sizes not meant for generalisation to the wider population"
I have made no alternative claim.
I see you now realise that groups other than white male are NOT over represented amongst paedophiles. Your bucket of nails bollix was just hot air.

UK paedophile numbers are overwhelming white male. Glad we cleared that up.
A reminder that this was the claim.
It mustve passed you by the fact the majority of grooming gangs is caused by British white men.
The subsequent evidence posted does not support that.
UK paedophile numbers are overwhelming white male. Glad we cleared that up.
I'm fairly certain you don't have access to the sex offenders register, to back that up?
That's a comment on the over representation of Asian offenders. There is no evidence to support that.
A previous piece of research from 2015 found that of 1,231 perpetrators of "group and gang-based child sexual exploitation", 42% were white, 14% were defined as Asian or Asian British and 17% black.
It is possible to put that into perspective but only based on a census when we have one. Some might say they are British.
From the NOS.
The next most common high-level ethnic group was “Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh” accounting for 9.3% (5.5 million) of the overall population, this ethnic group also saw the largest percentage point increase from 2011, up from 7.5% (4.2 million people).

However the Asian gang aspect has been reported as relating to certain areas. If correct the above is meaningless as groomers wont include all Asians or where in the country they actually are.

So tie yourselves in knots.
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