so your just bumping your gums and dont really have any interest in darfur your just attempting to score some sort of point against brown and black babies dying , Why dont you start a topic on how many african and indian kids die of the ****s each year . Far more than any war conflict and in reality far easier and cheaper to deal with ......i dont see any mention from you f the millions that have died of thisI have never started such a thread, its not me that is protesting and getting all worked up about Gaza. I'm still genuinely curious as to why so many people have taken such a massive interest in this conflict.
I merely mention other recent conflicts involving Arab nations to put this one into some perspective. well over a million Arabs killed by other Arabs in horrible brutal wars and it barely makes the news and there is no flag waving protesters. But 10,000 killed by Jews and the world is outraged.
So please tell me why this conflict is affecting you so much. Is it a hatred of jews or are you just being swept along by the media?