Israel under attack

Legal experts have questioned whether this is the case. “I can’t see how anything but explicit support for Hamas and its actions could be a [terror] offence. Waving a Palestinian flag or chanting ‘from the river to the sea’ isn’t that,” said Wagner.

In an open letter to the Jewish community in London last week, the Metropolitan police deputy commissioner, Dame Lynne Owens, said officers must be careful about misinterpreting support for Palestine as support for Hamas, a proscribed terrorist group.
To be expected from the police, more weasel words.
Off to climb up the Eros statue today, I'll report back how I get on. Second thoughts I think I know the outcome already.
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Legal experts have questioned whether this is the case. “I can’t see how anything but explicit support for Hamas and its actions could be a [terror] offence. Waving a Palestinian flag or chanting ‘from the river to the sea’ isn’t that,” said Wagner.
I would agree that these acts are not evidence of support for Hamas. Support for Palestinians is not support of Hamas.

However, posting on a public forum that people should be sympathetic to Hamas' fight and encourage support for them to fight their oppressors etc. Is explicit support for Hamas and it is very clearly prohibited.

Roy thinks he is protected by some sort of academic privilege and can openly discuss supporting Hamas, he is being careful now and walks the right side of the line, barely. I don't think he will openly post support for Hamas again, but will think he's clever by posting more boll@x.
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You’ve provided zero evidence from the actual United Nations website that shows a list of terrorist groups with Hamas missing.
So far all you’ve managed is Fox News and Wikepedia…where do they get their information from?
If you want to carry on demonstrating your stupidity, be my guest.

Yoi asked me to prove a negative. You asked for something that you know doesn't exist, and you think that will prove your point. :rolleyes:
How about you prove the positive. That is logically possible, proving the negative is logicaly impossible.
Follow the sequence of the relevant recent posts
I assume you've already read these once (maybe not :rolleyes: )
According to the UN Hamas are not terrorists. :rolleyes:
Please provide a link to a UN web page that states what you say
you wont because it doesnt exist
Stupid boy!
The UN are not in the habit of listing all the organisations that they do not consider as terrorists.
It would be like the greengrocer listing his vegatables as not fruit. :rolleyes:
And his fruit as not vegatables. :rolleyes:
And the zoo listing its insects as not animals, and it's animals as not insects. :rolleyes:
You are very stupid sometimes.
People still watch the news on the BBC is more the revealing thing. Nowt so queer as folk.
What's wrong with BBC News?

What's revealing is the right wing lemmings that have been brainwashed into thinking anything not the Daily Mail is biased
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Than, you for agreeing that the UN defines Hamas as terrorists

we got there eventually eh.
You have a problem with comprehending written English?
UN do not recognise Hamas as terrorists. how much clearer can I be?

But if you want to dream, dream on. :rolleyes:
Another attempt at forum etiquette by bloomers not to mention all those rolling eyes he has dotted about his thought provoking comments such, as sweeping statements about the west.
If Notch7 wants to demonstrate his utter stupidity, then let hin carry on. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Two :rolleyes:, one for you and one for him. :rolleyes:
I bet he feels good with your unwavering support. :rolleyes:
If you want to carry on demonstrating your stupidity, be my guest.

Yoi asked me to prove a negative. You asked for something that you know doesn't exist, and you think that will prove your point. :rolleyes:
How about you prove the positive. That is logically possible, proving the negative is logicaly impossible.
Follow the sequence of the relevant recent posts
I assume you've already read these once (maybe not :rolleyes: )
Weak deflection

You claim UN do not recognise Hamas as terrorists

I am asking for evidence that is sourced from the UN website, not a joke news channel like Fox news

So please provide some actual evidence
ou have a problem with comprehending written English?
The UNs definition of terrorism as provided by you shows Hamas meets that definition.

You are welcome to list the UN definition of terrorism and compare it to Hamas...but you won't like the result.
He uses the term Palestine because he worries he would get banned if he referred to them as Hamas.
Absolute lies. I have never said anything resembling that.
I am comfortable with discussing Hamas, and the Palestinians:

Hamas, Hamas, Hamas
Palestinians, Palestinians, Palestinians,

I've warned Roy that he is breaking UK law if he continues to make posts in support of Hamas. He doesn't like me telling him how to behave. He likes to post Boll@x and argue it's true.
From the poster who supports the destroying of public property and civil disobedence.
Do me a favour. :rolleyes:
What's wrong with BBC News?

What's revealing is the right wing lemmings that have been brainwashed into thinking anything not the Daily Mail is biased
Thought the internet provided more difference of opinion news wise than the MSM, that's why they're bringing in so much legislation to control it.
Can't have people thinking outside the box can we notchy. They've got trouble shifting all that booster stuff they've spent a lot of money on.
To be a terrorist is no more or less a cùņt that targets murders and tortures women and children.
And both Hamas and Israel is doing that. But Israel is doing it on a far larger scale, and have been doing it for decades with the indifference of the West.
I would agree that these acts are not evidence of support for Hamas. Support for Palestinians is not support of Hamas.

However, posting on a public forum that people should be sympathetic to Hamas' fight and encourage support for them to fight their oppressors etc. Is explicit support for Hamas and it is very clearly prohibited.

Roy thinks he is protected by some sort of academic privilege and can openly discuss supporting Hamas, he is being careful now and walks the right side of the line, barely. I don't think he will openly post support for Hamas again, but will think he's clever by posting more boll@x.
As is expressing support for the destruction of public property and the ignoring of other legal restrictions. :rolleyes:
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