Israel uses starvation as a weapon of war, say Israeli sources.

Again. Yeah, Palestine. The place that is harbouring Hamas. You know, where hundreds of attackers came from and disappeared back to on October 7 last year.
Who else is there to defend Palestinian civilians from the aggressive expansion by far-right advocates for an "Israel from the land to the sea"?
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Well, the West was happy enough to let Israel get away with murder in the geopolitical scheme of things but maybe the times are a-changin'..
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Could always release the hostages and surrender

Any comment on this, Mr lawyerman...?
The belief that Israel’s actions amount to apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide are “worthy of respect in a democratic society”, an employment tribunal has concluded in a landmark decision.
Judge Rohan Pirani said: “Although many would vehemently and cogently disagree with [Miller]’s analysis of politics and history, others have the same or similar beliefs. “We find that he has established that [the criteria] have been met and that his belief amounted to a philosophical belief.” He added that Zionism was “ideologically bound to lead to the practices of apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide in pursuit of territorial control and expansion”. But he told the panel that his anti-Zionism did not equate to opposition towards Jews.

For eight months you've harped on about this issue and suddenly "it's all gone quiet over there."
Did you read the whole judgement from the actual judgement rather than your favourite lefty newspaper?

Are you suggesting that you and JohnD are academics in the employment of a university, that should be granted extra slack to explore genuine academic criticism?

Do make sure you read it.

Even an alcoholic who turns up to work drunk is entitled to a warning.

The claim succeeded because the matter was a disciplinary one, not gross misconduct. They failed to follow a lawful termination process. Award was cut by 50% because of the claimant own actions and Judge recognised that there was chance they would have terminated him lawfully, had they followed a lawful process.
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Did you read the whole judgement from the actual judgement rather than your favourite lefty newspaper?

Are you suggesting that you and JohnD are academics in the employment of a university, that should be granted extra slack to explore genuine academic criticism?

Do make sure you read it.

Even an alcoholic who turns up to work drunk is entitled to a warning.

The claim succeeded because the matter was a disciplinary one, not gross misconduct. They failed to follow a lawful termination process. Award was cut by 50% because of the claimant own actions and Judge recognised that there was chance they would have terminated him lawfully, had they followed a lawful process.
There is 108 pages to it.
Would you like to draw the forum's attention to anything specific, perhaps something that disputes Odds assessment?
Using your perceived logic - who would you say committed (bombing) atrocities upon the UK in Brum, London Brighton etc, during the troubles?
IRA and if they came from my house and ran back to my house, I’d expect anyone in my house to get caught in the crossfire when the special services caught up with them.
IRA and if they came from my house and ran back to my house, I’d expect anyone in my house to get caught in the crossfire when the special services caught up with them.
So I am guessing you would not allow them to operate from your house?
Did you read the whole judgement from the actual judgement rather than your favourite lefty newspaper?

Are you suggesting that you and JohnD are academics in the employment of a university, that should be granted extra slack to explore genuine academic criticism?

Do make sure you read it.

Even an alcoholic who turns up to work drunk is entitled to a warning.

The claim succeeded because the matter was a disciplinary one, not gross misconduct. They failed to follow a lawful termination process. Award was cut by 50% because of the claimant own actions and Judge recognised that there was chance they would have terminated him lawfully, had they followed a lawful process.
I haven’t read the above but we once sacked someone without going through the proper process for working elsewhere when off sick and he took us to a tribunal. He was an out and out **** and even admitted working and driving for someone else (even though he didn’t even have a driving licence) while he was supposedly on sick leave from us. He bragged in court that it was feck all to do with the manner in which he was dismissed from us and technically he was right. The judge found in his favour, awarded him over a thousand pounds - so much for sick pay, so much for wages, so much for termination notice, so much for holiday pay etc and of course, he was all smiles but then the judge told him he had found him to be a 'totally reprehensible' character and had abused the trust of his employer, he reduced the amount by 100%. It was really funny watching him do the sum in his head and saying to his wife "that’s nothing, isn’t it?". :ROFLMAO:
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