Israel uses starvation as a weapon of war, say Israeli sources.

He often pretends that English law says things that it does not.

I can see why he failed his preliminary exams.
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He often pretends that English law says things that it does not.

I can see why he failed his preliminary exams.
Perhaps you can show where the Judge specifically states, in the judgement that the applicants anti zionist views were:

‘worthy of respect’​

and where the Israeli actions as below were even discussed..
"The belief that Israel’s actions amount to apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide are “worthy of respect in a democratic society”, an employment tribunal has concluded in a landmark decision.

This is why it's important to read the judgement and not your favourite leftwing rag. The tribunal made no such consideration.
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Perhaps you can show where the Judge specifically states, in the judgement that the applicants anti zionist views were:

and where the Israeli actions as below were even discussed..

This is why it's important to read the judgement and not your favourite leftwing rag. The tribunal made no such consideration.
I see Motorbiking refuses to highlight passages in the judgment which he claims supports his interpretation, when asked, but expects others do so.
His response, when asked for passages that support his opinion, was:
The exam question was...
So I did.
The onus is on the reader, 1 read the whole judgement, 2 understand it, 3 form their own opinion.
the search function works..

you will find nothing in the document. claiming or backing this view:

""The belief that Israel’s actions amount to apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide are “worthy of respect in a democratic society” ?
This is made up lies.
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The unanimous judgment of the tribunal is:
1. The claimant’s anti-Zionist beliefs qualified as a philosophical belief and as a protected characteristic pursuant to section 10 Equality Act 2010 at the material times.
2. The claimant succeeds in claims of direct discrimination because of his philosophical belief contrary to section 13 Equality Act 2010 in relation to: a. The respondent’s decision to dismiss him on 1 October 2021
b. The respondent’s rejection of his appeal against dismissal on 23 February

3. The claimant succeeds in his claim for unfair dismissal pursuant to section 98 Employment Rights Act 1996.
4. The claimant succeeds in his claim for wrongful dismissal (failure to pay notice).
5. The claim for indirect discrimination is dismissed on withdrawal...

read the rest @ if you like but the substance of his claim is vindicated and any further claims on this forum towards anti-semitic content will be referred to this ruling.

On a personal note i'd like to add: "you lost, get over it.":mrgreen:
Nothing in the above has any relevance to your posts on this forum. The fact you think (or maybe you don't) that it does is hilarious.

Any claims of anti-semitic content on this forum are entirely irrelevant to the findings of an employment tribunal. Unless you are an employee or perhaps you are the ex-professor who was sacked?.
Nothing in the above has any relevance to your posts on this forum. The fact you think (or maybe you don't) that it does is hilarious.

Any claims of anti-semitic content on this forum are entirely irrelevant to the findings of an employment tribunal. Unless you are an employee perhaps.
Fact is you can't admit you're wrong.
When I'm not, no - that would be silly.

a bit like thinking someone who was sacked because their abhorrent beliefs, clouded the judgement of the disciplinary proceedings resulting in a valid claim for unfair dismissal somehow is relevant to similar abhorrent beliefs on a forum.
Motorbiking thinks that criticism of Israel actions and policy is antiSemitic.
He bases his belief on the criticism by individuals of just Israel. It can not be antiSemitic because Israel consists of a variety of races. It is a country, not a race.
Conversely, there have been a few who have consistently and frequently criticised the beliefs of Islam., for many years.
But Motorbiking, as far as I can see, has never once objected to such criticism of Islam.
I think it is fair to say that Motorbiking uses bullshit to cover his own ideological beliefs.
A little scrutiny and his bullshit falls apart.

Zionism is a religious movement that is not restricted to one ethnicity. Not all Zionists are Jews, and not all Jews are Zionists. Therefore there is absolutely noting wrong with criticising Zionism.
Himmy Nonsense at it finest.

I do not think criticism of the state of Israel is anti semitic.

but I do like this bit:
Zionism is a religious movement that is not restricted to one ethnicity. Not all Zionists are Jews, and not all Jews are Zionists. Therefore there is absolutely noting wrong with criticising Zionism.
Legitimate criticism of any religion is valid as long as its done with respect and avoids stirring hatred, which would be unlawful.

Stirring hatred towards Zionists is not protected, because they meet the definition of a race, in the public order act, particularly using the above example.
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