Why do you assume its Muslims carrying such attacks.When militants kill jewish people, the jewish people condemn it, while the muslim people vote in the party that carried out the attacks..
Why do you assume its Muslims carrying such attacks.When militants kill jewish people, the jewish people condemn it, while the muslim people vote in the party that carried out the attacks..
With respect, and I have a lot of it for you, I am engaged in this debate and feel that there is no need to refer to other contributors ability to think as either necessary nor desirable. It is this sort of thing that gets threads locked and deleted, since it tends to become personal - a little like you are becoming now.If you cannot handle debate without getting upset i would suggest taking yourself of a discussion forum instead of trying to find something to get offended by.
Why do you assume its Muslims carrying such attacks.When militants kill jewish people, the jewish people condemn it, while the muslim people vote in the party that carried out the attacks..
Rather forced upon them wasn't it, although as some one mentioned it was back in the 1940's.or recognised Israels right to exist.
If you cannot handle debate without getting upset i would suggest taking yourself of a discussion forum instead of trying to find something to get offended by.
I just think we need to see this all in perspective. In israels shoes I would have boarded those ships. I would think, if they were legit, they would off load their cargo and let us inspect it. If they didn't want to do that, they can go home. To try to break a military bloackade and then act suprised when they are boarded is silly...and to be suprised when shot at when you are beating the soldiers with bars and stabbing them is even more silly.
...and these aren't even the terrorists...these are just the supporters of the terrorists.
Assuming this is aimed at me (you might like to use a quote or two to make thing easier...Again, what you seem to be saying is that because the israeli government has members whos history is deplorable but gave up violence, they are much worse than Hamas, who is the actual organisation that carried out murderer and bombings and still haven't apologised ...or recognised Israels right to exist.
I don't get the logic.
I think it's the use of "excessive" quoting - quotes within quotes within quotes.dear mods, it is sometimes useful to reply with quotes, if only to prevent scurrilous rogues editing or deleting text which they know to be inappropriate or abusive.