It has escalated..

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I read Fred's post slightly differently
Anyone who thinks this will ever change (re your bit in bold) is deluded.
Sadly anyone who thinks like that is deluded!

Because the current situation doesn't exactly seem to be working out that great does it...

Change is what is needed...

Change in mindset, which it is obvious you are incapable of!
I also think some of these countries seem to thrive more on unrest and conflict than anything resembling peace. I don't think they actually want peace in a genuine sense. What would perhaps satisfy them is if the whole world was 'peaceful' living under their beliefs and sociopolitical system. Hence why we'll never actually achieve anything near genuine world peace.
Define them, those, they...

You may claim to believe that the west is not 'squeaky clean', and yet you omit the word 'us'...

Why is that?
Be specific, what do you mean by 'the above'?
I have experience of your ambiguous and vague references that you exploit to twist and turn when yoiur argument is exhausted.
Turkey is not bombing the crap out of civilians, mostly women and children.
Yitkeu hasn't indiscriminately killed 24,000 civilians, mostly women and children in 100 days.
Turkey isn't committing genocide against a group of 6,000.000 Palestinian people.
Turkey hasn't been killing a different ethnicity to them,, just because they are a different ethnicity.

Last I checked the attacks by the U.S and U.K. didn’t result in the above. Hence it seems irrelevant to arguing against hypocrisy from turkey.
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Sadly anyone who thinks like that is deluded!

Because the current situation doesn't exactly seem to be working out that great does it...

Change is what is needed...

Change in mindset, which it is obvious you are incapable of!
It's world leaders, past present and future and their associates who are incapable, lol. If you want to think (genuine, long lasting) world peace will ever happen then feel free.

I'm more of a realist, it'll never happen.

I won't discuss/debate with you any more on that specific point because we're never going to agree. And think of it this way ... if two folk on a forum can't reach an agreement on something, how the heck do you think the entire planet will ever reach some sort of consensus ;)
Last I checked the attacks by the U.S and U.K. didn’t result in the above. Hence it seems irrelevant to arguing against hypocrisy from turkey.
The US/UK attacks were carried out because of and in support of their support for Israel's genocide of the Palestinians.
Turkey condemns UK and USA but bombs the crap out of Syria and Iraq on the same night
The difference is that, countries like Turkey hang people up on nails in their jails(as the song goes) but Israel claims to be a first world democracy and a respector of international law.
They can't have it both ways, either behave as a law abiding democracy or behave like the terrorists they complain about.
It's world leaders, past present and future and their associates who are incapable, lol. If you want to think (genuine, long lasting) world peace will ever happen then feel free.
That's a poor excuse to not bother working for it.

I think it can't be done so I'll go along with the continuation of war? :rolleyes:
The difference is that, countries like Turkey hang people up on nails in their jails(as the song goes) but Israel claims to be a first world democracy and a respector of international law.
They can't have it both ways, either behave as a law abiding democracy or behave like the terrorists they complain about.
Part of a weight cerial program never mentioned Israel
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