kendor said:
To elaborate on what i was saying, take fashion for instance, ........................
What is the proper way of dressing? is clothing really what humans should be wearing? or is it society that dictates what we wear?
Agree with a lot of you, just want to add my thoughts/feelings/how I understand things.
Marketing i.e. commercialising dictates almost everything nowadays it seems, see Kendors remark above. As one said here money/greed is the new god, who controls the 'market (by marketing) controls the masses.
toffee said:
so... its deeper then than religion maybe?
its the driven desire to win... disguised by the word religion ( meaning... everyone will follow the views of the given winning dictatator)
Agree completely with you there toffee. Remember the crusades? Was in fact not about religion but about conquering the world and other countries riches.
toffee said:
research shows you are less likely to be helped ina crowd than surrounded by only handful of people.
I may be generalising but I feel that sometimes these days people expect someone else to take responsibility all of the time.
blame culture and covering ones own back culture.
Again, IMHO spot-on. And indeed very scary. But of course, there are always exceptions, thankfully. But does stories hardly sell newspapers or attract a large crowd of viewers. Imagine a soap only based on goodwill stories, wouldn't the masses grow very tiered very fast of it?
Might be I'm rambling, but still always think the best of people, cause I encounter so many good, friendly and willing people.
Coming back to the original thread, didn't hear to whole interview, just that bit on the news, which made me livid in thinking how easy it is as MP to hide behind a religious thought instead of excepting own responsibility (or at least admitting it)