It's nearly midnight.

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Had 20 mph limit in Bristol for years. Speeds did initially drop. Now only the occasional Prius driver sticks to it, everyone else travels at the far more sensible previous limit of 30. Much better for the environment. Anyway, a 20 limit would require police to enforce it. They're very few and far between these days.

I expect it will be the same in the land of sheep. An initial obeyance of the law, before speeds drift upwards after a while.
Our daughters wedding was in Marylebone town hall. We stayed in Islington overnight but driving home the following day it was 20mph all the way to where we joined the A12 near Hackney. It was bloody torture driving at that speed. I can’t imagine how bad it’s going to be keeping to that speed all over Wales.
My son has recently returned from a trip to Sweden. Urban speed limit has been 20mph for a while. They all just plod along at that speed. Said it took some getting used to.
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It's fine when the traffic is high-speed this alone slows you down. Its times when I've been in London in the early hours. Nothing holding you up just clear empty roads and speed cameras . Just need to be disciplined.
One of the main roads, Western avenue, that runs through Cardiff, was 40 mph not so long ago, then it was 30 mph and from today 20 mph, a few speed cameras there too. When it changed to 30 mph loads of people got done by the cameras, expect the same in the coming weeks.
My son has recently returned from a trip to Sweden. Urban speed limit has been 20mph for a while. They all just plod along at that speed. Said it took some getting used to.
We have relatives in several European countries, and they have similar speed limits...

And yes it is correct to say it takes some time to get used to...

But so did getting used to wearing seat belts, and how many lives has that saved?

Drink driving was often the norm, and people hated the idea of a breathaliser. How many lives has that saved?

If anyone can come up with evidence that a car hitting a person at 30mph in a residential road is less likely to kill/severely injure than at 20mph then feel free to do so...

In a similar way as trying to prove that lowering a speed limit in places actually increases journey time overall !
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Going to make "Police Interceptors" and all those (previously, 30mph) town centre chases a lot less entertaining now ;)
We have relatives in several European countries, and they have similar speed limits...

And yes it is correct to say it takes some time to get used to...

But so did getting used to wearing seat belts, and how many lives has that saved?

Drink driving was often the norm, and people hated the idea of a breathaliser. How many lives has that saved?

If anyone can come up with evidence that a car hitting a person at 30mph in a residential road is less likely to kill/severely injure than at 20mph then feel free to do so...

In a similar way as trying to prove that lowering a speed limit in places actually increases journey time overall !
You could say that road deaths have increased greatly since we transited from horses to cars. Why aren’t you saying that we should get rid of cars? Oh yeah, 'cos you have one!
These things are always subjective from person to person. My view is 20 zones of course make sense in certain areas e.g. a housing estate with relatively narrow streets, lots of parked cars, folk milling around etc. Or outside schools and the like. It's the (to me) non sensical ones that I can't get my head around. When I'm driving along the coast of my county (Fife) there are some roads that have been 20 zones for years that seem to make little if any sense. Relatively long stretches of road, often not built-up to any real extent. And yet you're supposed to trundle along it at 20. If you sit on these stretches ~25 during the day, you're guaranteed to get a line of vehicles close behind you, no doubt some of them increasingly irate. And we've had some 60s reduced to 40.

This direction of travel (pardon the pun) will only continue from here. We ain't seen nothing yet. I keep on saying it, I'm pleased I've been able to do the majority of my driving going where I want, when I want, at the (reasonable) speed I want with no 'zones' to go in and out of, no penalties if my vehicle doesn't 'comply' etc etc.

I won't be surprised if they eventually want motorways reduced from 70 to 60 or 50, all in the interests of the environment you understand ;)

They want us out of our vehicles and into our amazing public transport system ...
My son has recently returned from a trip to Sweden. Urban speed limit has been 20mph for a while. They all just plod along at that speed. Said it took some getting used to.
This is the way I look at it. If we were ALL essentially forced to drive at certain speeds it wouldn't necessarily bother me. Scenario, you're driving along a 20 zone where all vehicles are limited and also can't tailgate due to tech that prevents it.

However that's not the world we live in, at least not yet. So as I touched on above, even if you want to trundle along within a speed limit, because vehicles themselves aren't limited, 9/10 you end up with somebody tailgating you. So depending on how you're natured, you either stick to your speed and get more stressed, or speed up and risk being the lead car that gets pinged by a speed camera. Personally I stick to my chosen speed and revel in seeing the tailgater getting irate but not everyone's wired that way.

But yeah, if all vehicles were limited I wouldn't be overly bothered in many scenarios. Especially in town these days there's far too much impatient darting around, tailgating and driving faster than safe based on the surroundings.
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