Jean Charles de Menezes

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You beat me to it John :LOL:

This is what the Government would have us believe but they forget that many of us were there and remember it ;)
BernardGreen Wrote:
The means of combatting this type of terror has to be very different from that used to combat the IRA.
Maybe you're right ... But not at the expense of turning this country into somewhere we don't want to live ... Once we do that the terrorists have achieved their aim without lifting a finger.
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I don't need to go on

Portraying the IRA as kindly and considerate fellows who never hurt anyone except by accident is way off the mark.

I know a bunch of murderers when I see them.
Portraying the IRA as kindly and considerate fellows who never hurt anyone except by accident is way off the mark.

I know a bunch of murderers when I see them.
couln't agree more but their stated aim was to get the brits out of Ireland which they have achieved to a degree anyone know what al quedas aims are apart from mass murder?
OK I conceed that my post did make the IRA seem like they were all"nice guys".

That was not the intention by any means. I did over-stretch the differences between IRA methods and present threats.

There were many occasions where the IRA did give warnings and many deaths were avoided. There were occasions when the IRA did not give a warning. The modern terrorist does not give warnings.
anyone know what al quedas aims are apart from mass murder?
Depends on who you believe...

Removal of 'infidels' from moslem land.....or

'Islamification' of the world..
and the loyalist paramilitaries were boy scouts,amazing how the propaganda is still effective.
the ira used many many tactics and they were totally different to those used by the current threat from terrorism now. In some instances it suited them to give warnings as the impact was far greater than the actual damage that was caused by the device. There were also many instances when warnings weren't given. There were also many different more callous tactics used in Northern Ireland which got less than a few lines in the papers. They knew if they used those tactics here they would lose funding and any support from abroad.
If you don't think they killed innocent people ask the parents of the boy killed in warrington by the bomb.

The shooting of demenzes was wrong and very unfortunate. Based on the information that was presented to the officers that shot him, what else could they have done? They were informed that he was in possession of a suicide bomb and that he was likely to use it. They had the events of the previous days to go by as to how serious these people were and what there intentions were likely to be. At a split second they had to make a life or death decision. You now have the comfort of sitting there trawling through all the facts as you believe you know them and coming up with the answer that you think is right that neatly side steps the question of how you would deal with him.

Suicide bombs are not nice things. They are a weapon that has caused countrys such as isreal and india many problems for many years. They have found no easy, safe or humane way of dealing with them. Even if the suspect can be incapacitated in someway, there is always the possibility that the device can be detonated remotely by a chaperone, as has happened in many cases in isreal when the bomber has had a change of mind. No security force has come up with a way of stopping them other than shooting them until there body is lifeless. Would you have been less outraged if it had been 1 bullet? Why 7? Because all the time the body has any form of life in it capable of pressing a button it is still a very big threat.
tribunal over the July 22, 2005 killing of Jean Charles de Menezes, a 27-year-old electrician who was living in London.

De Menezes officers will not be disciplined12/05/2007 01:18

By Tim Castle

LONDON (Reuters) - Eleven officers involved in the fatal shooting of an innocent Brazilian in the mistaken belief he was a suicide bomber will not face disciplinary action, a police watchdog said on Friday.

But the commission said it had not made any decision on disciplinary action against the four commanders and tactical advisors involved in the botched operation.

It was reserving that decision until after a court case due to start in October in which London’s Metropolitan Police faces a corporate prosecution under health and safety laws.

So what are they actually being charged with, discharging a fire arm in a public place,failure to wear correct PPE? is the whole of the met police under prosecution or any individuals apart from the above mentioned eleven officers.
Eleven officers involved in the fatal shooting of an innocent Brazilian in the mistaken belief he was a suicide bomber will not face disciplinary action, a police watchdog said on Friday. But the commission said it had not made any decision on disciplinary action against the four commanders and tactical advisors involved in the botched operation.
So long as the top brass are held accountable I fully agree with this outcome.

The officers on the ground cannot be held responsible for inept senior management and c r a p intelligence/information and I believe they acted properly under the circumstances.

I'm not sure I agree with Thermo's 1 bullet 'v' 7 though and I think there may have been a little over-exuberance ... After all, nobody is capable of detonating a device with a single bullet in the head and their brain scattered over a wide area ;)
After all, nobody is capable of detonating a device with a single bullet in the head and their brain scattered over a wide area ;)

They are if they were holding a spring loaded clip like on your battery charger - shoot the guy and he lets go of the clip, which completes the circuit.

It happened, it was unfortunate, but life isn't predictable.
possibly the difference between boom and no boom if he had a bomb on him.
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