Jimmy Saville

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I’m not sure there’s not a little bit of er.. I want to say hypocrisy, for want of a better word.

The reason I say this is because someone sparked off a question about the maths teacher and the 15 year old girl the other day which made me think am I, (or is this), a bit sexist in some way. Bear with me...

What the guy said was how differently would it be perceived if it was a 15 year old boy and a 30 year old women maths teacher instead? Let’s be honest now, lot’s of red-blooded regular not-peado guys would be thinking “go on my son!” or “that’s my boy!”.

For myself, speaking as a father, I would still be miffed but not half as miffed if it was my daughter instead of a son. I can’t explain it, I’m just being honest. (Sorry if this has already been said earlier in the million pages somewhere).

Yet more honesty... Speaking as someone who lost his virginity late in life and went to a single sex school, when I was fifteen I would have welcomed the one and only woman in our school, (an English teacher), giving me a grope or 'five knuckle shuffle'. :rolleyes:

I’m not belittling this case or trying to be facetious! But I do happen to believe it would be seen differently if the genders were transposed.
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Reading is hard.
Is that why you couldn't be Rsed reading the thread before throwing your twopennorth worth in?
Also a big difference between that and paedophilia.
Perhaps if you could be Rsed reading the thread to see the context in which he was doing it you may change your mind. If not f*ck off anyway.
So what difference does it make if they are 14 or 16.
A line has to be drawn somewhere, in his country we do it at sixteen. But I'll tell you this, if any dirty lecherous old bstrd went anywhere near my daughter it wouldn't matter to me whether she was 14 or 16. I'd be looking to cause some serious pain and injury.
But I'll tell you this, if any dirty lecherous old bstrd went anywhere near my daughter it wouldn't matter to me whether she was 14 or 16. I'd be looking to cause some serious pain and injury.
I'm with you there although my daughter is now 30, (near enough), married and on her 5th child with the same guy. But I have a question Sooey.. Why is it so much worse the older the guy is? A violation is still a violation regardless of who’s on the end of the nob isn't it?

I ask because I was miffed when my friend’s daughter got knocked up at the age of 15 by a 19 year old man. I thought that was rape by definition and that he should have been held to account, but he wasn’t and to my surprise no-one seemed too bothered.

Was the 30 year old maths teacher a “dirty lecherous old bstrd” or genuinely in love? If the later, does that mitigate the offence or should he just be treated like a “dirty lecherous old bstrd” regardless?
Some fifteen year old girls can be older in the head than some nineteen year old men, so that is a difficult one, it depends on the circumstances I suppose.
The maths teacher was in a position of trust and proved himself to be a gobsh*te, it's his wife I feel sorry for.
Saville, who this thread's about was the archetypal dirty old man and should be seen as such, if only to give a little bit back to all of the people whose lives he scarred.
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Is that why you couldn't be Rsed reading the thread before throwing your twopennorth worth in?

12 pages vs me asking you to spend 20 seconds on google.

1 - 0 to Aron

Perhaps if you could be Rsed reading the thread to see the context in which he was doing it you may change your mind. If not f*ck off anyway.

I asked the question, you got abusive (again).

2 - 0 to Aron

A line has to be drawn somewhere, in his country we do it at sixteen.

And not long ago the age of consent for buggery was 21.

A line is just a line.
Perhaps you should clarify just what is your point on this thread that you couldn't be Rsed to read.
Because it reads to me that you are trying to justify older men shagging younger girls. Now surely I've got that wrong, or have I?
No, actually. I didn't have it wrong did I?
From what you've written on the last two pages you differentiate between men shagging kids based on the ages of those kids. prepubescent is a no no but post pubescent seems OK to you. I disagree, kids are kids.
I'm beginning to think there is something not right with you.
I'm not in the least bit supprised he took 50percent of the money he raised for Stoke mandivile some fund raiser hey and those prats on telly who said they knew are just as guilty as him get them in court for complacency
Ester rhanzen or what she is called has let the side down, setting up childline, aware of may be happening?.
Agents, personal assistants, celebrity friends will all be running for the hills right now.
Agents, personal assistants, celebrity friends will all be running for the hills right now.
Because of some late night B rated show presented by a scandal mongering self appointed expert??

Because people always know with someone in his position, of ANY misdemeanour, let alone something on this scale.
They're with him behind the scenes and away from the cameras. Blind eye turning.

They're running like f*ck.
Give it up, it's obvious by now that the man was a pervert.
Says the rational one. Not for you the jumping to conclusions based on redtop journalism eh?
I couldn't give a **** one way or the other. My gripe is with the programme makers and the slime balls now crawling out from under their stones and looking for some sort of redemption by speaking out now!
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