Big Tone
Firstly, in case you think otherwise, I am neither defending him nor supporting him. I am just questioning the media feeding frenzy, bad timing and why not one person who knew about the alleged rapes or molestation had the temerity and/or integrity to do something while he was alive?
So then, each and every single one of these 150 honest children, parents and witnesses either stuck their collective heads in the sand or acquiesced to the might of Mr Saville for over 40 years or more? I’m not saying that couldn’t happen but, as I keep saying, something doesn’t fit right. Either the system is a complete and utter failure, quite possible, or there’s more to it than meets the eye.
I’m not trying to defend him or his reputation; I am simply saying everyone deserves to be treated as innocent until proven guilty. You may one day say here “I told you so” but that’s missing the point! I am not saying you’re wrong or right, I am simply questioning the way you reach a conclusion.
I’ll tell you something I’ve noticed something about allegations of child abuse and rape sooey. The second it’s levelled at a man everyone immediately thinks they’re guilty until proven innocent. What’s worse, to add insult to injury, if they are vindicated it’s still a life sentence for him. For the accused life is never the same again! That’s the kind of hysteria these cases engender and exactly what you are doing; what you have been sucked into.
Thankfully, the law sees it differently. I’m prepared to see what the outcome is and not rise to the sharks who have a vested interest in selling papers. Propaganda wasn’t just something used during wartime you know; it is still as rife today as it ever was...
Fair enough, credit where credit is due. So, as I keep saying and you seem to keep ignoring, of those 50 children out of 950 which let’s say had two parents that’s 50 + (50x2) = 150 people. Add to that the witnesses, however many that is, we’re up to let’s say 200? These are conservative figures based on what the media is pushing out.The fact that some people out of, say a thousand may be lying is neither here nor there, if 950 of them were liars that still means he was a beast.
So then, each and every single one of these 150 honest children, parents and witnesses either stuck their collective heads in the sand or acquiesced to the might of Mr Saville for over 40 years or more? I’m not saying that couldn’t happen but, as I keep saying, something doesn’t fit right. Either the system is a complete and utter failure, quite possible, or there’s more to it than meets the eye.
That is the exact opposite of what I have said. Do I need to quote myself? If it’s proven true and beyond all doubt then I hope he is stripped of his knighthood and all others titles and then shove is coffin off a cliff into a sewer where it belongs!Another logical conclusion of the your and that idiot alumnis arguments is...if a monster can get away with his deeds for his whole life then his reputation can't be tarred after death, no matter what comes out. I don't think so.
I’m not trying to defend him or his reputation; I am simply saying everyone deserves to be treated as innocent until proven guilty. You may one day say here “I told you so” but that’s missing the point! I am not saying you’re wrong or right, I am simply questioning the way you reach a conclusion.
I’ll tell you something I’ve noticed something about allegations of child abuse and rape sooey. The second it’s levelled at a man everyone immediately thinks they’re guilty until proven innocent. What’s worse, to add insult to injury, if they are vindicated it’s still a life sentence for him. For the accused life is never the same again! That’s the kind of hysteria these cases engender and exactly what you are doing; what you have been sucked into.
Thankfully, the law sees it differently. I’m prepared to see what the outcome is and not rise to the sharks who have a vested interest in selling papers. Propaganda wasn’t just something used during wartime you know; it is still as rife today as it ever was...