Joe-90 on Utube?

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Here's a little experiment. I've strung a few tv themes together. See if you can guess them. They sound really easy to play but they are actually quite hard as they have their roots in jazz with lots of key changes and string skipping. Good practice though.
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Did you have to do it in red boxer shorts/hot pants? Its very distracting. What? You were playing the guitar?! :LOL:
1. The Lightning Tree (Follyfoot).
5. Bewitched. :D

The rest - all very familiar but I'm not confident:

2. ?
3. Captain Pugwash?
4. Mersey Beat?
4...The odd couple (softus and joe!) :evil:

2.....Bless this house

Do some more Joe... :)
Good on yah Joe,
I used to do keyboards and drumsfor a giggle, guitar is a different monster though. I do have a remixed version of Blue monday I did back in the 80's on a Rowland with my mate on the drum kit, all electro and instrumental only, my singing is pants.
I will try to dig it out of the loft and put it on.
I was well embarassed when my ex took it to the pub where I worked and the DJ played it :oops:
Not easy to do with video either, hats off to you mate.

1 Van der valk
2 Pink panther
3 Get Smart
4 Man about the House
5 Batman
Well played Joe!
Very good, Tim. That Get Smart thing is a right pig to play. The problem is that they are not written for the guitar so they don't fit very well on the frets and fingering - that's why they are great practice.
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