Justice sometimes prevails...

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I really do think that it is time that a few more of us realised that the UK belongs to the gang that are the bad guys on the world stage.
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He'll calm down when he's had his jab next month. :sneaky:
Funnily enough I've checked the 'jab calculator', and my scheduled date would probably be in early 2022...

If of course I wish to be guinea pig...

Creepy old men such as yourself are the ones who will probably get it offered much earlier :)
Funny how Elle is up in arms about Assange's false (alleged) imprisonment but doesn’t seem to care about over a million real cases in China.
She’s also quicker to accuse Israel of murder on foreign soil than Russia.
has he argued with any of the threads you've started about the issues you suggest are near to your heart?

or is this just your worthless whataboutery?
Aren’t keyboard warriors the true cowards? Call others names etc whilst hiding behind a computer screen?
Says the creepy old man...

I see you've got your band of 'merry men' (;)) to give you the support you obviously so desperately need :LOL:
I'm just speaking the truth...

Someone who demands to know personal details is creepy, and you have declared your age and that is old!
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