Keep Fit Buffs

whats wrong witha good walk. and I dont mean to the pub. if you walked to the pub back home then back to the pub that should do it.
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Wow, you're overpowering!
Don't do sit ups, complete waste of time and not good for you!
For which your evidence is....? And I ain't interested in some mumbo jumbo chiropractic BS.
Don't understand what chiropractic got to do with it?
What would you rather do, a very high reps of situps or very small amount reps of others simple exercise for the same effect? Why waste time?
You cannot build muscle unless you do heavy weightlifting
How, without 'heavy weightlifting', do the majority of the human race manage to build enough muscle to walk, run, swim etc etc? How is anyone (who hasn't performed heavy weightlifting), able to lift anything with their arms?
Maybe I should've says "build bulky muscle"? Bacho doesn't want to build bulky muscle and only way to do that is heavy weightlifting therefore you can only do less reps, we're not talking about slight build toned muscle which is swimming, cario etc It's a lot to do with lowering body fat percentage which you will then see muscle toned which can be misleading seeing bigger muscle. Most of us have got a abs pack and the reason many don't see it because the body fat percentage is too high and doing many sit ups is pointless
The majority of us build muscle without ANY 'heavy weightlifting' (there are of course some poor souls with debilitating health conditions that are not able to build muscle). Of course it's all relative, what you term as 'heavy weightlifting' may be what some are doing for fun.
I think you're missing the point, to build muscle without weightlifting then you're using your bodyweight instead which is good for toning the muscle, I wouldn't say heavy weghtlifters are doing it for fun, my guess is body building, feel confident about yourself, de-stressing, no difference having a punch bag.

If female want to lose weight fast the best way is weightlifting because there is no way women can build big muscles unless you are on illegal stuff. Sadly a lot a female will not do weightlifting because they think will get bulky muscle which isn't true because they don't have enough of tetosterone.

ps: will stay away GD for the time being, it's not as good as it was used to be :cry:
The best way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you use.
run for 4 yds every day, jus tmake sure the timing is right and start just before you get to the pie shop
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sorry pics, :rolleyes: im still waiting for you to show me yours.....afterall, i did show you mine!!
Depends what you want to acheive and where you're starting from.

Do you want to be able to run a six minute mile or bench press one hundred kg. Different forms of fitness require different exercises.

In order to 'tone up' you need to either build muscle, lose body fat, or both, depending on your starting point.
You probably mean that you want to get more muscular definition without looking like a body builder, so more the 'Brad Pitt in Fight Club' look than 'Arnie in Terminator'.

Put simply, if you are carrying excess body fat at the moment, you will need to lose some of it, and that involves burning more calories than you consume - don't believe anyone who tells you that isn't the case.
Restricting your calories to around 10-20% fewer than you need is ideal, along with some cardio exercise such as cycling, running, or rowing.

But you are looking to burn fat, and not muscle, so you also need to start lifting weights. Make sure you consume some protein prior to your workout to feed the muscles, and lift heavy enough weights that you can manage 8-10 reps before exhaustion.

You can build as much muscle as you want, but you won't look toned until you reduce your body fat to a point where the muscle definition starts to show through. This is probably around 10% body fat for a man. To get a six pack you'll need to drop to around 7 or 8% and no number of sit ups will get you a six pack until that stomach fat is gone.
Yoga is the key :)

Have been to a couple of these and they are the most tiring and draining thing I have ever done - dripping with sweat and every part of my body aching for a couple of days.

Feels great once the pain subsides
Swimming is great exercise. When I get out the sweat is just dripping off me. ;)
I don't want a pic.

I'll just keep imagining what di looks like in her green goddess get up.
I've been working out since last xmas and my missus has told me stop because I was over doing it. I told her that I am now going to get some hot water bottles made just like me now. Anybody want one?
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