keeping the balance

16 Mar 2004
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United Kingdom
there is much anti blair and the government talk on this forum but lets also keep a tally of what achievements have already come too, barely a month into the job they have negotiated an historic agreement to fight against world debt, they have finally taken the bull by the horns in trying to clean up the roads a brave thing to do in the face of such strong opposition from the motoring lobby and now i'm sure we will have an acceptable agreement for funding of the EU . A remarkable achievement in such a short time and still years to go!
Now you know why they were voted back in again for, to get results, not just talk about unachievable dreams.
After months of undermining the leadership with Iraq and the such I believe that their leadership will grow stronger and stronger and the public confidence will grow with each and every achievement.
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Aaaah kendor, I think you'll find that there wasn't an alternative worth voting for. 30% of the voting population makes for a minority consensus, not a majority. But hell, what do I know?
Scoby_Beasley said:
Aaaah kendor, I think you'll find that there wasn't an alternative worth voting for. 30% of the voting population makes for a minority consensus, not a majority. But hell, what do I know?
statistics don't mean diddly do they, it's the result that counts.
the only worry comes when a government is unable to get policy through parliament because of lack of seats but i'm sure that will not be a problem unless the policy is too controversial.
Tony's achievements:

1) World poverty summit
2) Telling the EU to naff off about the rebate unless they totally reform EU budgets (although this is yet to come to fruition)

Big F-ups:

1) Proposed PAYG motoring scheme

Now, remember that rebate is a Tory legacy dating back to HRH Thatcher. I think TB is handling it admirably, I'm actually quite impressed, but I don't think he is doing anything MH wouldn't have done.

PAYG motoring scheme: well, you would have to be an idiot with no driving licence to approve of that one! Mileage-priced motoring in itself could be a good idea, but I suspect when asked "How much revenue do you want?" TB joking replied "A gajillion-bajillion pounds a year!", and was taken seriously.

So on the whole, I think TB has done better than I expected, but I don't think he has done anything remarkable. He even acted in the interests of the country, but that is his job! :LOL:

Now you know why they were voted back in again for

This sort of thing is bound to happen when you give proles the vote :rolleyes: ;) ;) ;)
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kendor said:
A remarkable achievement in such a short time and still years to go!

Wait a minute, I just noticed that bit! :LOL:

Oh sweet irony, kendor be thine name... ;)
kendor said:
there is much anti blair and the government talk on this forum but lets also keep a tally of what achievements have already come too, barely a month into the job they have negotiated an historic agreement to fight against world debt, they have finally taken the bull by the horns in trying to clean up the roads a brave thing to do in the face of such strong opposition from the motoring lobby and now i'm sure we will have an acceptable agreement for funding of the EU . A remarkable achievement in such a short time and still years to go!
Now you know why they were voted back in again for, to get results, not just talk about unachievable dreams.
After months of undermining the leadership with Iraq and the such I believe that their leadership will grow stronger and stronger and the public confidence will grow with each and every achievement.

Nice thoughts there Kendor and i know you really mean it but being serious for a minute with no motive either way----the problem is he is and has been shown to be a liar and a cheat and has lost all credibility with the public, no one likes a liar and no one trusts a liar.

The people who voted Labour are the same people who always vote Labour whatever happens, they are their staunch Labour fan base, that is why they got in again all the ones they had persueded before.

The other lot couldnt muster their vote or persuede anymore so the result you had is the result you had, which is very bad really because of the millions of extra people who they have let in the country who could have voted for them which would have given them a massive vote more so than 1997----well it didnt happen, so either they didnt vote for Labour or they did and the staunch old Labour vote didnt---------At the end of the day very very very bad news
Euro funding ? The sting is in progress on us !!
The man of Straw says "No chance of negotiating on rebate." But we all know he doesn't count .... 2 people in HMG Tone and Gordo. then come the sycophants ....
Ah, ha, from the rear a voice is heard, Tone's shell like lugoles pop up .. his old friend and ours ... Peter Mandelson :D
In a speech in London, Mr Mandelson said the UK had to change both * tone and substance to win backing in Europe.
The UK must be ready to look at reforming its rebate as part of a deeper rethink of EU spending, he said.
"It is surely wrong to ask the poorer new accession states to pay for any part of the rebate," he said.

* Wonder if he means Blair and Brown ? Tone and Prudence...

So there it is, Tone and Jack's sound bite was 'No way', now Peter lays the path for the about turn .... bye, bye £3B.

AdamW said:
Tony's achievements:

1) World poverty summit
2) Telling the EU to naff off about the rebate unless they totally reform EU budgets (although this is yet to come to fruition)

Big F-ups:

1) Proposed PAYG motoring scheme
So what's wrong with that? being against such a scheme shows selfish tendencies instead of trying to help in part to cleaning up the roads and the environment. sounds like you'll be one of those that'll be behind your wheel no matter what, and b*lls to everyone elses health, you are not one of those smokers that ignorantly blow their cancer towards others with the "no-one will tell me not to smoke" attitude are you?
AdamW said:
kendor said:
A remarkable achievement in such a short time and still years to go!

Wait a minute, I just noticed that bit! :LOL:

Oh sweet irony, kendor be thine name... ;)
Not sure what your angle there is Adam? I was referring to the short time back in office since the election , instead of sitting on his laurels he's got straight on will the job and produced some fantastic results in such a short time. so never let it be said he doesn't deliver.
kendor said:
So what's wrong with that? being against such a scheme shows selfish tendencies instead of trying to help in part to cleaning up the roads and the environment.
Some of us have to use the car as I cannot get to work by train or buses as it doesn't goes there!

The government want cars of the road without losing the petrol duty!

This government and previous government has done nothing to improve the transport system and this is why motorist uptight about this plan although I agreed some are lazy motorist.
That's it then Maso .... Your job will probably be taken by an eastern european living in a caravan just outside the works on an illegal camp site .. Step change, up in costs, down in standards ...
ooo Roo ;)
kendor said:
So what's wrong with that? being against such a scheme shows selfish tendencies instead of trying to help in part to cleaning up the roads and the environment. sounds like you'll be one of those that'll be behind your wheel no matter what, and b*lls to everyone elses health, you are not one of those smokers that ignorantly blow their cancer towards others with the "no-one will tell me not to smoke" attitude are you?

Actually, I believe that smoking in public places should be made illegal, and a move towards smoking bans in residential buildings. After all, it's not really fair on non-smokers.

I am behind the concept of a PAYG motoring scheme, I am not behind THIS concept. It's all skewed. The government has not looked at the problem, they've just come up with an outlandish tarrif that few will be able to afford.

If you pay attention, you will see that I have been advocating the use of renewable energy and electric vehicles since forever. So neurgh! :p

Tony Blair has had years to get stuff done. In his last 2 terms he did nothing positive. In his third term he has done two positive things (one of which is definitely right-of-centre), and made one big boo-boo.
it would be uneconomical to have a bus and train system that got everyone right to their place of work but what's wrong with cycling the rest of the way?
and before anyone mentions tools, there are cart attachments that can be towed by bike.
large materials can be delivered to the workplace straight from wholesalers etc.
kendor said:
AdamW said:
Tony's achievements:

1) World poverty summit
2) Telling the EU to naff off about the rebate unless they totally reform EU budgets (although this is yet to come to fruition)

Big F-ups:

1) Proposed PAYG motoring scheme
So what's wrong with that? being against such a scheme shows selfish tendencies instead of trying to help in part to cleaning up the roads and the environment. sounds like you'll be one of those that'll be behind your wheel no matter what, and b*lls to everyone elses health, you are not one of those smokers that ignorantly blow their cancer towards others with the "no-one will tell me not to smoke" attitude are you?
This is the bit kendor where you find out 10% of smoking duty is spent on smoking related diseases, The Gov. pockets the other 90%, who my friend is subsidising who ?
kendor said:
it would be uneconomical to have a bus and train system that got everyone right to their place of work but what's wrong with cycling the rest of the way?
and before anyone mentions tools, there are cart attachments that can be towed by bike.
large materials can be delivered to the workplace straight from wholesalers etc.

Ever tried cycling on the roads here?? More dangerous than camping in the Jungle!

Can't see my partner cycling with all his flooring tools (amongst other: table saw, belt sander - 80kg!) in such a cart, specially when we cover a rather large area (East Kent).

To fanciful idea, Kendor, I'm afraid.
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