keeping the balance

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kendor said:
it would be uneconomical to have a bus and train system that got everyone right to their place of work but what's wrong with cycling the rest of the way?
Try telling that to fat Prescott and the rest of the MP. You see they don't care and why should we?
Blair is trying to be popular by rushing it out, another gimmick as he has the last 8 years to sort it out. Too little, too late.
Commies by the back door !!
Horses .. boot leather .. bicycles .. What is the point ? this tiny Island going green whilst China and India go their own way and Euroland levels out ... Something tells me the likes of the French Govn stick up for France .... Our lot for anyone or everyone 'cept their own ..
you are all missing the reason for the changes and thinking about your own selfish reasons for keeping it the same. the whole point is that things HAVE to change so start getting used to it, think of the future generations health and well being instead of just your own.
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Don't get prickly !! Your lot just bunged another load of dosh down the drain ... cost of feasibility studies etc etc and many more etc's Asylum Seeker centres ... Now that dosh could have been spent on cancer drugs for those being denied ! Along the lines of 'health and well being'.
Not against change, we should go Japanese, lots of little, carefully thought out changes ... Step changes are great when they work .. how often is that the case?
Not being prickly pip, i wasn't being damning with the word selfish but using it as a way of saying you may be blinkered into looking at your own issues rather than the big issue.
kendor said:
you are all missing the reason for the changes and thinking about your own selfish reasons for keeping it the same. the whole point is that things HAVE to change so start getting used to it, think of the future generations health and well being instead of just your own.
100% agreed with you but deep down since when have any government plan works and not to mention money wasted down the drain?

I'm not just blaming just Labour but they haven't a clue either.

Prat Prescott has already wasted £11,000,000, you know the one that can't read & write.

Tax & spend policies doesn't work does it?

I agreed with you the car plans need to be look at. I think the best way is flexible time work pattern in rush hours time.
masona said:
kendor said:
you are all missing the reason for the changes and thinking about your own selfish reasons for keeping it the same. the whole point is that things HAVE to change so start getting used to it, think of the future generations health and well being instead of just your own.
100% agreed with you but deep down since when have any government plan works and not to mention money wasted down the drain?

I'm not just blaming just Labour but they haven't a clue either.

Prat Prescott has already wasted £11,000,000, you know the one that can't read & write.

Tax & spend policies doesn't work does it?

I agreed with you the car plans need to be look at. I think the best way is flexible time work pattern in rush hours time.
I usually use the performance of the economy to guage whether economic policies are working and to be honest we have been enjoying some time now in a healthy economy, of course things will get worse they always do because of external influences but i believe we have a sound economic base that will take a battering before it shows signs of collapse, how many other countries will be able to withstand the next depression as easily?
pipme said:
Don't count your chickens .. HMG still printing money !
wears out quickly when you have such a fast growing economy ;)
Based upon the shifting sands of debt ...... Nemisis stalks the borrower, while the money lender grows ever fatter ... Sooner or later the price has to be paid.
Still increasing money supply faster than earnings ... Life on the edge ?
:D :D
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