26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
the news is full of the menendez family slagging us off yet they come from a country that has kids living in the streets as young as 5 and the police there top them openly

kick them out who cares not me i know most of you dont

the message is if your an illegal immigrant then u have no rights at all

**** off back to the hole you came from
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You could do the same, then get arrested for incest.
Slogger said:
the news is full of the menendez family slagging us off yet they come from a country that has kids living in the streets as young as 5 and the police there top them openly

kick them out who cares not me i know most of you dont

the message is if your an illegal immigrant then u have no rights at all

**** off back to the hole you came from

Slogger the menendez family are not slagging us off they are slagging the police off and rightly so and the reason they have kids in the streets for is because they are poor and you know the reason why they are poor and so many different countrys and most of british people are poor and live on the streets and up to there neck in dept
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What evidence have you that he was here illegally. Even Jack Straw believes that he was here legitimately. Just make sure you don't do anything to upset the government. You could be next. When your dead and gone, they'll make up all sorts of bull about you as well. We're on the verge of turning into a police state and attitudes such as yours are making it happen!

It's a shame Hitler lost eh? You'd be in your element.

Freddie, think of the hole that you came through to get into this world. Now if you consider re-visiting that precise hole, you'll understand the reference to incest. ;)
Thanks Tex----i see i must admit i thought i had missed out on a good row/revelation or juicy gossip for a moment :D
TexMex said:
.......think of the hole that you came through to get into this world. Now if you consider re-visiting that precise hole.......

Mile End, in my case. I ain't going back there.....
Last I heard, his visa had expired (hence he was here illegally). Or has this been denied now?
AdamW said:
Last I heard, his visa had expired (hence he was here illegally)

I think that's the case, seems a tad unfair that all his human rights should have expired at the same moment, according to some.
They have every right to be angry, they have lost a son for no justifiable reason, any parent would feel the same and want justice.
Last I heard, he had leave to stay indefinately. The authorities were implying that this was a forgery, but wouldn't actually say as much. The governments propaganda machine is quite good at this sort of thing. They make a few of the right noises, and then leave others to make the accusations. It's typical diversion tactics.

Actually, it's totally beside the point. This fellow just happened to come out of a block of flats, where one resident was under suspicion. There was just 1 chance in 9 that he had even come from the flat in question (as it happens, he hadn't). It could have been any one of us. Nobody even asked his name, let alone his residential status. My son used to live next door to muslims and, when I have a tan, I could easily be mistaken for a Brazilian. I suppose I should just thank my lucky stars that I was never shot while visiting him.

What's more alarming than the gross error, on the part of the police, is that the British public can accept a cold blooded slaying, if we can find some other infringment, after the event. What next? Shooting motorists that are driving cheep cars, then getting a chap from the MOT to find an offence.
slay more is what i would do then the ******** wouldnt want to come here

london is a ********* disgrace no as there are way to many illegals here

open the crematoriums up for the police get rid of some s****

you lot that stick up for these ******* are way to soft for my liking have you never been on the losing side with these ***** i have f*** no more
..........What next? Shooting motorists that are driving cheep cars, then getting a chap from the MOT to find an offence.

I know someone who claims to have "a ratty transit van", especially useful on roundabouts, so I understand, that would make a good practice target. Might be a bit of a slog... though. :evil:
Well whatever the truth---if you are an illegal in any country you can have no rights otherwise you make a mockery of the whole system for that country and also should be removed immediatly for the same reason.

The fact that he lost his life in these circumstances is tragic but at no time was anybody doing anything wrong infact the cops were just doing their job to protect you--they made a mistake--that hapens from time to time and is tragic.

His parents shouldnt be allowed in the country and normally wouldnt be here except for the media circus which i think is undermining or trying to undermine the security which we all need and therefore is feeding the hands of terrorist scum.

At the end of the day if he knew he was an illegal then he ran the risk of any fate that befalls illigals and even in this tragic case he or his family cant complain no time was anybody doing anything wrong infact the cops were just doing their job to protect you--they made a mistake--that hapens from time to time and is tragic.

Would your family be so philosophical if you were the victim?

Do you have the evidence he was here illegally?
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