Don't see why you should be so bothered whatever I say, unless I'm a bit too close for comfort. Anyone can check the posts I refer to and the parts I quote. They can make comments as to my interpretation, but mostly it's only you doing your humpty dumpty impersonation, where the words you use mean exactly what you choose them to mean, nothing more, nothing less.

Anyway, it's time for Rogue Traders, I might be on this week, you never know.
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oilman said:
Don't see why you should be so bothered whatever I say, unless I'm a bit too close for comfort. Anyone can check the posts I refer to and the parts I quote. They can make comments as to my interpretation, but mostly it's only you doing your humpty dumpty impersonation, where the words you use mean exactly what you choose them to mean, nothing more, nothing less.

Well if anybody can make head nor tail of that, explanations in English preffered on this thread only
I can't believe you lot are still discussing this blokes residential status. He came out of a block of flats. He was then followed and shot dead for no other reason than, he came out of that block of flats, and got on a train.

When the shooting took place, there was no knowledge of his nationality, religion, or residential status. For gods sake, they didn't know who he was! He just happened to come out of a block of nine flats. (one of which was under surveilance).

So is it OK to shoot someone, without having a clue who he is, on such a flimsy outside chance, that he could be who they are after?. Think before you answer that, it could have been your own daughter. (yes girls wear denim too).

It absolutely sickens me, the way the British Public can be so easily diverted from the point.

Man shot to death for doing nothing more suspicious than catching a train. How do the police cope with the public outcry? Give the public some diversionary argument to keep them occupied.

Wake up and smell the coffee. You're being manipulated again. Did we ever get to the bottom of the governments lies about the Iraq war? No, why? Because everyone got led down the garden path looking for who leaked documents. Then who leaked the name of who leaked the documents. All the time Blair and his cronies were laughing up their sleve.
Hold on i thought he was shot because he was mistakenly identified as one of the terrorists who lived in the same area or is that not true anymore???????
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Tex, I'm well aware of the irrelevant propaganda that's pedalled by state agencies, and I'm not bothered by anybody's status, what I question is statements which try to justify things that are done on the pretext that it is all for our protection. (If I gave a short reply, like "I agree with you", Freddie would be upset again).
oilman said:
Tex, I'm well aware of the irrelevant propaganda that's pedalled by state agencies, and I'm not bothered by anybody's status, what I question is statements which try to justify things that are done on the pretext that it is all for our protection. (If I gave a short reply, like "I agree with you", Freddie would be upset again).

If what i had been led to believe is incorrect then explain to me i am all ears--if you have some conspiracy theory or something like that then i am all ears and intrigued but you will have to show proof for me to accept.

Oilman i only object to someone trying to put words in my mouth i have never told you you cant believe or say anything else.
Freddie said:
Richardp said:
20 January 2005

But whatever hapens to them Richard who can complain? they have broken the law-- just as that young Aussie girl who did in Thailand and got life imprisonment---what right has any other country got to meddle with the laws of another?
Thailand ? but we've set ourselves higher standards than those in Thailand and we don't go around shooting people which is why its so shocking and thankfully rare , this was obviously a terrible mistake and although it should be investigated I don't think we should get carried away with suggesting we're a police state or anything and them people from Brazil are naturally upset but should go home and go through the grieving process, this is a far more caring country than Brazil.
Thats the point and you hit it smack on Richard---We have set ourselves higher standards !.

Well those who think that will never understand the rest of the world with the mightier than thou attitude.

To give criminals the same or even more rights than a law abiding tax payer is laughable and a pure farce.

In other countries you break the law-you pay for your crime.

By saying this i no means excuse those police hit squads and the like in Brazil
Freddie said:
Hold on i thought he was shot because he was mistakenly identified as one of the terrorists who lived in the same area or is that not true anymore???????
Well if seeing a chap come out of the building of NINE flats (including the one being surveiled) , and the fact that he happens to have a bit of a tan is good enough identification to have someone shot dead, just in case, then yes, it's just a case of mistaken identity. IMHO It was a total, unmittigated almighty balls up by the police. It's an obvious consequence of the "kill now, ask questions later" policy that was adopted.

If this is the type of behaviour we are to expect from our police, the terrorists are winning the battle. If we sit back and accept this, what next, OAPs being branded terrorist because they shout "nonsense" at Jack Straw! Will any form of descent against the government be accepted in the new scheme of things?

Keep your eye on the ball. This anti terrorist stuff is starting to get pretty sinister. Judiciary answerable to government (instead of being independant) Arrest and holding of suspects indefinately without trial. No automatic right to trial by Jury. Shoot to kill, ask questions later. Public speaking against the government is terrorism :eek: These are the kinds of things that Amnesty international were trying to stop in other countries years ago.
Cant argue about the political stuff but you lot put em there so you only have yourselves to blame.

As regards the shot bloke i wouldnt say that is linked and would rather the police shot all terrorists and pals dead on sight, but although tragic i think it shook a few of the scum up that the softly softly stuff had ended.
Freddie said:
Cant argue about the political stuff but you lot put em there so you only have yourselves to blame.
I didn't.

Freddie said:
As regards the shot bloke i wouldnt say that is linked
Ah but it is. Put it all together and where does it lead? Someone that's a bit too outspoken against the government is suddenly spirited away, never to be seen again, or shot in the street, (just in case he's about to commit an act of terrorism). By now the general public would all just accept "serves him right for being a terrorist", or be too frightened to ask questions.

This scenario is getting a bit too close for comfort. The power is building, and the accountablility is being removed. If we accept all of the factors that allow this sort of scenario to become a reality, we have to accept that, sooner or later, it will be too late to roll it all back. The acceptance of innocent civilians being shot dead, with no intention of being apprehended, is just another disturbing milestone along this road.
Well Dr Kelly's death was very suspicious i agree

Robin Cooks death a great relief to Blair but was he killed?

Claire Short basically never heard of again

But i fail to see how this Brazilian has anything to do with it
Freddie said:
But i fail to see how this Brazilian has anything to do with it
Hopefully if this policy of shooting suspects, instead of attempting to apprehend them, is seriously challenged, it could draw the line. If the public are seen to accept it, we're on a very slippery slope indeed.
Next time i go to america i'd better make sure i don't make any mistakes filling in the visa waiver form otherwise they will be fully justified in shooting me. :cry:
he was a wet back do you need any more proof

he was working her as a sparky do you think he was 16 th ed trained do you think he could self certify the work he done or back it up with warranties

these ******** need kicking out so shooting them is a close second it might send a message to them not to come here

anyone that uses these sort for there workforces are traitors to the country and should be treat as such

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