Killers(accused)of Fusilier Lee Rigby plead 'Not Guilty'

Blame the system, not these two sad individuals (who will spend quite a few years behind bars)

Absolutely not - I say bring back the death penalty for about an hour... hang them both... by the ankles, then butcher them.. halal style !

What system makes a man go out with a knife and cut another man's throat? a religious one !!! Islam!!

It isn't Islam, it's the interpretation by extremists who then preach to nutjobs, these guy's must have been nutjobs in the 1st place.

Religion is just a convenient excuse.
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Blame the system, not these two sad individuals (who will spend quite a few years behind bars)

Absolutely not - I say bring back the death penalty for about an hour... hang them both... by the ankles, then butcher them.. halal style !

What system makes a man go out with a knife and cut another man's throat? a religious one !!! Islam!!

It isn't Islam, it's the interpretation by extremists who then preach to nutjobs, these guy's must have been nutjobs in the 1st place.

Religion is just a convenient excuse.

Nonsense... lok at this quote from the quran:

"Beheaded- 47:4 When you encounter the kafirs on the battlefield, cut off their heads until you have thor-oughly defeated them and then take the prisoners and tie them up firmly. "

A kafir/kaffir/kuffar etc is a non muslim!!!

It so is islam !!!
Blame the system, not these two sad individuals (who will spend quite a few years behind bars)

Absolutely not - I say bring back the death penalty for about an hour... hang them both... by the ankles, then butcher them.. halal style !

What system makes a man go out with a knife and cut another man's throat? a religious one !!! Islam!!

It isn't Islam, it's the interpretation by extremists who then preach to nutjobs, these guy's must have been nutjobs in the 1st place.

Religion is just a convenient excuse.

Nonsense... lok at this quote from the quran:

"Beheaded- 47:4 When you encounter the kafirs on the battlefield, cut off their heads until you have thor-oughly defeated them and then take the prisoners and tie them up firmly. "

A kafir/kaffir/kuffar etc is a non muslim!!!

It so is islam !!!

What instructions do you expect regarding a battlefield and your enemy, give them a slight slap and ask them to desist?
Blame the system, not these two sad individuals (who will spend quite a few years behind bars)

Absolutely not - I say bring back the death penalty for about an hour... hang them both... by the ankles, then butcher them.. halal style !

I have always been in favour of the Old Testament interpretation of justice: 'an eye for an eye'.
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ah, you're not a Christian, then.

No, I'm an atheist.

But isn't the OT accepted as part of the Christian bible? Or is it just that the bit about 'an eye for an eye' has been brushed under the carpet by modern Christians?
Christ referred to that rule and provided a Christian rule which is different.

Norcon will explain.

Nothing "modern" about it.
Christ referred to that rule and provided a Christian rule which is different.

Norcon will explain.

Nothing "modern" about it.

That's OK. I don't follow Christ's teachings!
Blame the system, not these two sad individuals (who will spend quite a few years behind bars)

Absolutely not - I say bring back the death penalty for about an hour... hang them both... by the ankles, then butcher them.. halal style !

What system makes a man go out with a knife and cut another man's throat? a religious one !!! Islam!!

It isn't Islam, it's the interpretation by extremists who then preach to nutjobs, these guy's must have been nutjobs in the 1st place.

Religion is just a convenient excuse.

Nonsense... lok at this quote from the quran:

"Beheaded- 47:4 When you encounter the kafirs on the battlefield, cut off their heads until you have thor-oughly defeated them and then take the prisoners and tie them up firmly. "

A kafir/kaffir/kuffar etc is a non muslim!!!

It so is islam !!!

What instructions do you expect regarding a battlefield and your enemy, give them a slight slap and ask them to desist?

Ok, I see where we're going... I'm saying those killers of Lee Rigby were doing it in the name of allah (as they actually said), and you are saying they have taken Islam in the wrong interpretation...
But I would challenge back and ask, how many people on this planet are doing as Lee Rigby's killers did? ...... you want the answer? 100's of thousands..... and that's just the people with access to weapons and the balls to use them... but how many Christians or Sikhs or JWs or Mormons or Hindus or atheists have been on a killing spree? shooting and stabbing children in the name of their 'thing'??

Makes my blood boil even having to type it out...

Are you a muslim Taz?
Sombrero";p="2893570 said:
Blame the system, not these two sad individuals (who will spend quite a few years behind bars)

Absolutely not - I say bring back the death penalty for about an hour... hang them both... by the ankles, then butcher them.. halal style !

What system makes a man go out with a knife and cut another man's throat? a religious one !!! Islam!!

It isn't Islam, it's the interpretation by extremists who then preach to nutjobs, these guy's must have been nutjobs in the 1st place.

Religion is just a convenient excuse.

Nonsense... lok at this quote from the quran:

"Beheaded- 47:4 When you encounter the kafirs on the battlefield, cut off their heads until you have thor-oughly defeated them and then take the prisoners and tie them up firmly. "

A kafir/kaffir/kuffar etc is a non muslim!!!

It so is islam !!!

Are you a muslim Taz?

Are you taking the p iss?

The extremists from any religion prey on the weak, vulnerable and disturbed because they are more inclined to believe the ramblings of some nutcase and carry out the orders of such nutjobs.

You have to be some sort of sicko to kill an innocent person especially in this manner.
Taz, you're copying bits !!!!

Lets get back to basics.... which religion is killing others in the name of that religion, and then question 2 ... are you a muslim?

2 simple questions...
Taz, you're copying bits !!!!

Lets get back to basics.... which religion is killing others in the name of that religion, and then question 2 ... are you a muslim?

2 simple questions...

No, I am not a Muslim.

Now let us look at this logically.............there are billions of Muslims that are peaceful, loving, friendly people.........if iwhat you suggest were true we'd be fecked as we'd have billions of Muslims trying to kill us, no?
try walking down a Saudi street with a tray of Jagermeister.. all those lovely muslims would suddenly want to kill you !!!

And I don't mean "get angry, or write to their MP" ... I mean fookin kill you with a knife to your neck!!!!
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