were you reffering to your previous 1, 2, 3 & 4 or Mine ?.
The point I was trying to make was that overheads have increased because
A/ There are certain items tyhat are the sole result of Part P
B/ They are certain items that we were obliged to do prior Part P but Part P may have increased the cost of those items to some extent
C/ BS 7671 is still not mandatory, however Part P has increased the need to comply & made it more effective I think.(Actually I wish it was mandatory and like many others I have been striving to acheive compliance for years ). So some might claim an increase in overheads is justifiable.
D/ There are certain items that we are more likely to incurr increased costs for (exam courses have gone up because of the bandwagon)
My point was :-
Certain items have increased our costs.
Other items are questionable because it depends what baseline you starting from - example , public liability, many were stuck on £1 million now they need £2 million, personaly I upgraded to £2 million years ago and it only cost me (1 man band and 1 part time employee ) about 14 quid a year extra.
Some had no PL at all and now they discover they must have it (Heck).
Test equipment - some had none, a lot of us had decent test gear but not always to current standards (Guilty I`m afraid).
Some didn`t have Reg book (some of us had last Reg book plus all updates)
See where I`m going ? It`s hard to quantify exactly in all fairness
were you reffering to your previous 1, 2, 3 & 4 or Mine ?.
The point I was trying to make was that overheads have increased because
A/ There are certain items tyhat are the sole result of Part P
B/ They are certain items that we were obliged to do prior Part P but Part P may have increased the cost of those items to some extent
C/ BS 7671 is still not mandatory, however Part P has increased the need to comply & made it more effective I think.(Actually I wish it was mandatory and like many others I have been striving to acheive compliance for years ). So some might claim an increase in overheads is justifiable.
D/ There are certain items that we are more likely to incurr increased costs for (exam courses have gone up because of the bandwagon)
My point was :-
Certain items have increased our costs.
Other items are questionable because it depends what baseline you starting from - example , public liability, many were stuck on £1 million now they need £2 million, personaly I upgraded to £2 million years ago and it only cost me (1 man band and 1 part time employee ) about 14 quid a year extra.
Some had no PL at all and now they discover they must have it (Heck).
Test equipment - some had none, a lot of us had decent test gear but not always to current standards (Guilty I`m afraid).
Some didn`t have Reg book (some of us had last Reg book plus all updates)
See where I`m going ? It`s hard to quantify exactly in all fairness