Labour town hall ignoring warnings about grooming gangs

I used to think she was a stand out MP when it came to campaiging for women and girls but I changed my mind on her some time ago now, long before the spat between her and Musk. When she added the name of a murdered male to the femicide list and read the list out in Parliament... I realised she was a wrong un.

Be all that as it may ?

But musks allegations go beyond the pail

He could actually put her safety at risk with his remarks

Apparently he was on X today talking to that German politician apparently he stated that Hitler
Was a communist

He needs to wind his neck in imho
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I wish all the media attention would be directed back onto the victims of the rape gangs. Waaaaay too much focus on politicians anxiety about their own safety and not enough on those girls who had their safety removed without their consent when they were raped, tortured and murdered as children.
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I wish all the media attention would be directed back onto the victims of the rape gangs. Waaaaay too much focus on politicians anxiety about their own safety and not enough on those girls who had their safety removed without their consent when they were raped, tortured and murdered as children.
Labour want to implement the recommendations of the last enquiry, to achieve what you are saying.
Labour want to implement the recommendations of the last enquiry, to achieve what you are saying.
I hope to see it.

Do you know what I've just learned? The victims of these rapes are forced by the powers that be to share contact of the kids that were born from the rapes with the rapists.

This country is sick.
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Labour want to implement the recommendations of the last enquiry, to achieve what you are saying.
That’s good. Is there anything stopping them? (And don't say the last 14 years of Tory government again, that excuse is wearing thin the longer they are in government.)
I disagree, Jess Philips is a serious politician who has dedicated her life to public service
You could say that about most labor and lib dem politicians, its a well trodden path into parliament. She’s not mother theresa of calkutta.
I'm not sure what evidence you have of her being a shameless self promoter -I know she done a bit of TV etc, but so what.
Endless appearances on hignfy, the tv bromance with ree sprogg, she’s very good at developing her brand of take no prisoners, say it like it is. But little substance, certainly not PM or senior cabinet material.
You could say that about most labor and lib dem politicians, its a well trodden path into parliament. She’s not mother theresa of calkutta.

Endless appearances on hignfy, the tv bromance with ree sprogg, she’s very good at developing her brand of take no prisoners, say it like it is. But little substance, certainly not PM or senior cabinet material.
You have just doubled down on your opinion.

I’ve shown you that Jess Philips is a serious politician who has put lots of work into ending modern slavery, helping women that have suffered abuse etc… have no counter argument.

The truth is that you are a Corbyn supporter and you dislike Jess Philips because she is not a ideological socialist.

You prefer people like Corbyn, Owen Jones, Novara Media…..people that spend their life protesting and not doing.
You have just doubled down on your opinion.

I’ve shown you that Jess Philips is a serious politician who has put lots of work into ending modern slavery, helping women that have suffered abuse etc… have no counter argument.

The truth is that you are a Corbyn supporter and you dislike Jess Philips because she is not a ideological socialist.

You prefer people like Corbyn, Owen Jones, Novara Media…..people that spend their life protesting and not doing.
She is media savvy and promotes herself effectively, but I thought her bragging about telling Abott to eff off back fired a bit as did saying she would knife JC in the back/front. That sort of intimidatory language, albeit more historic now, ill befits someone who campaigns against violence as she does.. She didn't deserve the outrageous and completely unfounded attack from Musck, but that doesn't alter her history, on the occasions I have mentioned at least, of being prepared to use aggressive language, and going public with it.

It is you Notch who are being the tribalist here. Every day doesn't have to be a groundhog day.
You think people shouldn't complain about transam being murdered?

Transam has had death threats :cool:

But he took it in his stride :cool:

He will not be silenced :cool:

I will continue to speak up for the oppressed and injustice :cool:

Bad things happen when good people remain silent :cool:
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