Landis & Gyr 5235a -How to download data on FRAM

Many thanks for all your help.
As you can see there is no decimal point in the reading. I submitted 171.64 to our new supplier EDF and E.ON came back with 18,268 kwh challenge. Also see attached picture of the meter tag where E.ON omitted to put in the opening reading on 19th April. They put in the opening reading for the gas meter tag. Another mistake ? Would I be able to argue in court that the figure of 17,164 is just 171.64 when there clearly is no decimal point ? The manual clearly shows decimal point in its readings.This is my concern.

I think, to be honest, you are being a bit previous, and jumping in with both feet. Send EON a copy of the manual page, which shows the reading of two decimals after the decimal point. Point out what is your normal level of usage, after if they still insist they are correct, then ask for your case to be registered as a formal complaint. If you still get no satisfaction, refer your complaint to the energy ombudsman -
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Many thanks Harry. Will do .Great advice. Just a time of great concern.
Please see attached picture of the meter of E.ON's which was taken out and replaced with our own due on the 5th May due to the doubt of their practices.

I'm a bit confused by your situation. What does this mean? Are you saying there is now a different meter?

Also, how long have you lived there, why was the meter changed in the first place, what is the previous £11,000 bill you mentioned?
You could test the theory that you're misreading the meter. Turn everything off at the distribution board except one set of sockets and then boil an full kettle. That should take around 0.1kWh of electricity.

If it says you've used 10kWh then you know something is wrong.
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Missing opening read is the problem here!
That tag has not been properly filled in at all!

That L&G meter is the style they replaced my faulty one with .. No decimal and only 5 digits on mine and it came with a read of 31837 on it duly noted by the installer on the tag and sent to EoN.

what have EoN quoted as opening reads from the L&G meter and the closing read from the or it replaced? I n the pdf bills they produce??

What is the replacement meter? It's install date? the opening / installation reading on it? and the current reading on it? For some basic sanity consumption check?

NB. No way would (could) the L&G meter be reset to 00000 at a refurbishment... So it obviously started at some value between that and what it is displaying now.

If only someone had taken a photo of that meter display on the day of the installation...
NB. No way would (could) the L&G meter be reset to 00000 at a refurbishment...
Why is that? Presumably the manufacturer is able to do that. From that thread:
No - not possible for mere mortals.
And with the proper kit, no-one is going to give you the password.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't understand why you're able to be so confident that you're correct. :)
To me the situation seems clear. The reading is 17,164. This makes sense as the refurbished meter is unlikely to have been reset. The OP sent in a reading of 171 and this caused trouble with the calculation by the supplier.

I have the same meter for generation here, and the decimal point and further two digits are to the right of the positions shown on the OP's picture and take up the space all the way to the right of the display window. I can only guess that this particular supplier has got fed up with incorrect readings and switched off display of the decimal point and further 2 digits, and that this is just causing confusion.

Presumably the latest bill shows before and after readings. What are they?
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't understand why you're able to be so confident that you're correct.
I have read the specification for talking to this type of meter. Plus, if the energy company did not keep the password for changing the reading a closely guarded secret, can you imagine the consequence on ebay? The hardware to access the meter can be built for a few quid.
I have read the specification for talking to this type of meter. Plus, if the energy company did not keep the password for changing the reading a closely guarded secret, can you imagine the consequence on ebay? The hardware to access the meter can be built for a few quid.
I get that, but the energy company could have reset the meter to zero. Thanks for the additional info though.
I get that, but the energy company could have reset the meter to zero. Thanks for the additional info though.
In principle you are right. But in practice, if you release the means to reset the meter to dozens of refurbishment engineers, then you essentially release it to everyone. You only need to release the ability to change less critical functions to allow refurbishment and calibration.
l&g meter.png
Same meter showing where the decimal part is when enabled.
To everyone many thanks for all of this valuable information. Someone in the thread said that they doubt fraud. Yesterday after EDF questioned the serial number of the electricity meter (the analogue dual meter that came with the house and which E.ON took away) we checked and were horrified to discover that both the gas and electricity meter serial numbers of the ones fitted by E.ON on the 19th April bear no resemblance to those on the National meter database which EDF is using. Also to discover that E.ON submitted a reading 8363 units on the 16th May of gas to EDF. This equates to 2 years of gas for us in 4 weeks (-!!.

It is abundantly clear that E.ON are acting illegally and using meters that are not registered on the National meter database. We also have all the evidence of them creating fraudulent documentation to hold a bill of thousands of pounds over us. You have no idea what this company has been doing to us. We have asked EDF to ask E.ON for the photographic evidence of the opening readings of each meter on the 19th April which they are legally required to do. Next stop Ombudsman (their reputation is not great for the consumer) and then onto BBC Watch Dog etc.
Serial numbers of E.ON meters versus those on the National Database.
E.ON Gas smart meter-installed on 19th April 2024.jpg
EON Electricity meter -4th May 2024 reading .jpg
Fraud requires criminal intent. I would suggest that you are simply dealing with gross incompetence. Just like the rest of us.

I recently complained 3 or 4 times to EVO about an invalid but important link they sent me. They sent me two emails saying that if my email was about their incorrect link, then assume they had fixed it, but if it was about something else then try again. In other words they had just deleted all emails to save the bother of reading them.
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