Landis & Gyr 5235a -How to download data on FRAM

Right so you failed in your own due diligence to take readings and photos --- even if a few days before/after meters were changed!!!I

EoN complaints work at a snail's pace and this is only around six/seven weeks since that meter install by them... Which has now been changed for yet another meter whose readings you have yet to divulge ... And from the sound of things you have changed, or are attempting to change supplier as well.

You need to pursue EoN complaints and ask for the deadlock letter so you can go to ombudsman - earliest is 8 weeks after complaining.

I doubt the national database is updated all that frequently. It takes quite a few weeks for smart meters to register readings and that is more automated than dumb meter changes.

Why is that? Presumably the manufacturer is able to do that. From that thread:

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't understand why you're able to be so confident that you're correct. :)
1) Post #19 of that thread.
it should not be possible to zero the meter as this is prohibited by the MID (Measuring Instruments Directive (MID 2014/32/EU) annex 1 section 8.5 if you really want to know).
2) Why do it? No need or advantage in doing so. Less work for the refurbisher/calibration checker. Who is probably not the original manufacturer anyway.
3) The refurbed meter I got was not zeroed.
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You need to pursue EoN complaints and ask for the deadlock letter
In my recent experience with Octopus, this means that you must explicitly state that this is a complaint, and that you expect to receive a complaint reference number as the result of this call, and have the agent state that they will send one. At least when you have a reference number in writing, it means that the clock starts ticking.
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