Language used in parliament yesterday - your thoughts?

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Banksy is putting his parliamentary painting up for auction next week

All the MPs are depicted as chimpanzees :LOL:

Probably an insult to. The chimpanzees :LOL:
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silly mottie is hallucinating again.

He thinks there is somebody who said "Boris broke a law"

Can he show us who used those words?

No he can't because he imagined them.

He says he's not on glue.

Hum Bug :rolleyes:

The houses of parliament doesnt have air conditioning.

The places suffers from too much hot air

Perhaps that the problem.
Did not mcdonel say that he wants the day when every tory politician cannot walk the streets in safety

Or words to that affect ;)

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones
Yes, we do have a decent trade deal with the EU. It’s the other **** that people don’t want. For example, why should EU residents be entitled to social housing, assisted housing and homelessness assistance when UK born and bred residents cannot get it? No wonder they ****ing flock here.

Why link the two? People don’t want to house them, they just want to sell to them and buy from them.

If a plumber wants to buy my services I’ll gladly offer them. If I want his services I would expect him to offer them to me. I wouldn’t expect him to say that I must house his aunt or he won’t deal with me.

Motty I'll l be starting your bathroom Tuesday I'll be with you for about 8... Is that OK with you.

PS How's my mum settling in? Do make sure she get her horlicks before bed...

I saw on a facebook post earlier apparently Boris using the reference surrender is inciting WAR with the EU this is what Milliband was referring to or something. OMG how what the actual f u ck.
Isn't it funny I never heard much from these easy to offend MPs telling Jo (Fat cow) Brand off for her attack on Niagel Farage
Isn't it funny I never heard much from these easy to offend MPs telling Jo (Fat cow) Brand off for her attack on Niagel Farage

Absolutely but back then there was still plenty of time...
What a sheltered world these MPs live in. I'd love them to see the language used in other work places.
If Jo gets in maybe she will ban all violence on TV or ban any Rap or Music that glorifys guns and violence.

Boris should not have used Jo Cox for his point. The Remainers should not use her good name in an attempt to make us feel guilty for voting out.....
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