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I aint voting......only ever voted a few times in my whole life!!! I just cant stand politicians. I see them as all the same....complete liars etc. dis the Tories. People are going to find out all about Labour and they’ll be in the firing line. Nosey can change his tune and finish every post with something like: Labour. Lazy thieving lying bastards. They had me right over.
I might just vote in this election for once Mottie and you are correct - it won't be Tory.

I actually didn't mind Rishi. I just despise those that con millions and harm the UK with their brazen and repeated lying.
I'm voting for change .

I might have to do the same in the future. But its either that or I have to vote for more of the same.
Sponsored Links dis the Tories. People are going to find out all about Labour and they’ll be in the firing line. Nosey can change his tune and finish every post with something like: Labour. Lazy thieving lying bastards. They had me right over.

Labour or Tory in the end makes little difference to me as I am lucky enough to be insulated from their policies, however for me to feel British means to look further than the end of my nose.

I am tired of the scapegoating and excuses, Governing is hard but it doesnt mean you need to resort to lying. Austerity and Brexit were two policies that have hamstrung this country. It still has potential in its youngsters but look at the cards dealt to them - high house prices, craxy rents and temporary work and low wages.

Post war they decided to invest and not turn on ourselves - we need to do the same - yes we can do the same.
I'm not sure lying figures that strongly really in actual party politics. Distortions on performance when they are in power does. No way would Sunak explain why inflation has fallen and also explain what the BofE really controls.

Manifestos - targets get mentioned so how close do they get to them? Policy changes don't get much airing but can be important.
I aint voting......only ever voted a few times in my whole life!!! I just cant stand politicians. I see them as all the same....complete liars etc.
I fully understand why some folk take this stance. However my take on it is we're lucky enough to live in a democratic country where we can vote freely, we have a number of parties to choose from, and our vote actually contributes to the eventual outcome. In short, it's a democratic vote in a system that's above board. I sometimes think of those that can't vote because of the country they live in or they can vote, however it's almost if not entirely a futile exercise because the outcome is already decided.

Taking extremes, think of living in the UK and our voting system vs living in North Korea and theirs.

So when I weigh all of that up, I elect to vote.

Btw, if all the usual suspects are gearing up to reply with stuff like ...

Oh so you think we live in a democratic country? lol!!!
You think your vote counts?!? lol!!!
You think there are differences between the parties?!? lol!!!
It's our right NOT to vote you know!!!
It's as futile an exercise voting here as voting in North Korea!!!
You think our voting system is immune from corruption?!? lol!!!

... there, I've saved you the bother.
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