More production due to robotic input not from human input.. how does the man buy the goods that are produced if they have no means of income to buy the goods ?????
But he does get an income, just not from his original job. Instead he must transfer to one of the many different jobs created by the overall process of automation. And because the goods got cheaper, he doesn't even have to work as many hours as he did before, to afford the same items.
a lot of jobs that involve a computer are only there because they have not yet been assigned to a robot
And a lot of jobs involve a canal boat only because they have not yet been assigned to a train;
And a lot of jobs involve driving a horse only because they have not yet been assigned to a canal boat;
And a lot of jobs involve a wheelbarrow only because they have not yet been assigned to a horse...
Same argument, same fallacy, back through history.
It doesn't just mean there are different jobs as there were in history it means there are less jobs and more people. There are millions more people now than there were 100 years ago, how do you think they are going to sustain themselves in a diminishing jobs market ? Makes no sense.
Then how did we get here at all? In 1850 there were 1.2 billion humans; today there are 7 billion. So why aren't 5.8 billion people currently unemployed? Answer: Because it is those very same technological advancements that
make the increase possible. The world of 1850 could not have supported 7 billion people, just as the world of today could not support 14 billion, but it will in a hundred years time. If it couldn't then it wouldn't get that way in the first place,
ipso facto. You are making the mistake of assuming there is a fixed amount of work to go round.
what happens to these people ?
The same thing that happened to the barrow boys, and the horse drivers, and the canal men... where did they go? Where are the millions and millions of out-of-work barrow boys?
I'm merely pointing this all out I'm not making any suggestions as to the way forward besides the fact that some things, i.e. wealth distrubution MUST and WILL happen. Don't you see that? wealth inequality and poverty is worsening.
No I don't see that. You seem to be arguing for socialism or communism, or something? Both failed concepts. The poor today are richer than they were yesterday. The rich are richer too. Whether the gap between them widens or not, is not especially important, as long as
everyone keeps getting richer. If you could suddenly make the poor poorer, but also make the rich equally poor, would you do it? Why?
anyone lucky enough to have a valuable skill set (where a robot cannot be used yet) will have a job, everyone else will not. How are millions/billions more people going to get jobs where they are constantly being outsourced to robots ??? The job no longer exists.
Again, where are the millions of unemployed barrow boys?