LG Plasma TV broken

29 Aug 2011
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United Kingdom
I am looking at an LG 42PX5D-EB AEKLLJP TV. It appears to work giving me access to the on screen menu, etc. But it is showing no signal from the aerial and SCART sockets. The aerial is confirmed to have signal on another TV. Going by youtbue videos, I suspect capacitors are gone on the motherboard given the TV's 10+ years age. I haven't opened it up yet to make a last ditch attempt to save it. Are there any tips, tricks for fixing this? Any safety precautions I should look out for? First time looking at a TV. I know the dangers of mains, PSUs, capacitors, and mega voltage on CRTs. Thanks.
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I am looking at an LG 42PX5D-EB AEKLLJP TV. It appears to work giving me access to the on screen menu, etc. But it is showing no signal from the aerial and SCART sockets. The aerial is confirmed to have signal on another TV. Going by youtbue videos, I suspect capacitors are gone on the motherboard given the TV's 10+ years age. I haven't opened it up yet to make a last ditch attempt to save it. Are there any tips, tricks for fixing this? Any safety preclusions I should look out for? First time looking at a TV. I know the dangers of mains, PSUs, capacitors, and mega voltage on CRTs. Thanks.
But a freely tv , no aerial required.
The TV is not for me. Just need something that switches on and watch. Others also mentioned fire tv.
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Recapping ... people seem to make a lot of fuss over removing non-reusable caps. Not clear to me why they can't just dremel it off - cut the head and unsolder the legs. Perhaps there is concern about pulling the pads off?

That’s exactly what tv is.
So, I need to get a new TV with wifi? Why don't I just get normal TV and plug in the aerial?

The issue here is not an aerial problem. The issue is a break inside the TV between input sockets and the consuming unit for the input. If you supply input via wifi, the break remains.

There is no wifi in any case. Any external wifi unit will have to plug in through one of the normal input sockets.

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