Liar .............

I'm wrong.... time to lay on my own sword.... seems Harwood denies manslaughter.... i didn't realise.... (i don't research much more than the headlines). He should face manslaughter charges.... at least.


:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: yes, confession time love it :mrgreen:

Edit I think you should wthank joe :LOL:

it's this kind of reaction that makes this site sh1t3...

Oy, :LOL: Don't moan at me for pointing out it's took 18pages to sort your brain.
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what is it with you lot... the copper caused a death.... but didn't intend to kill Tomlinson with that push... why is that so difficult to work out in your heads :eek: :rolleyes:

Understanding the law really isn't your strong point. I'm beginning to think you're a cop.

You said:

1) He caused a death
2) He didn't intend to kill him

That is what we smart people called manslaughter.

That is what, eventually, he got charged with.

From your statements above you would obviously have to find him guilty.

I should walk away and let you look a fool... but before i go to bed.. i already said Harwood should be up for manslaughter.... he caused a guy to die ffs !!!. But, he pushed the guy to move him, not to kill him... a baton across the temple would've been more likely to cause a death if that were the aim.

Harwood is like the driver that falls asleep at the wheel and causes the death of another driver... not a murderer, but someone who killed someone else accidentally.

Jeez you lot can be thick !!!

"Now sir move along" hand in his back and walking him away no problem doing this if your fit and strong to an old alcoholic what can he do ...nothing, but an almighty shove and you say you lot can be thick.

The reason I think you work in the public sector is you have the blinkered mindset of that type of person.
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It was NOT a cowardly attack....

And the death very unfortunate.

But Harwoods decision to shove T was like the decision to drive up the M5 when you've done 4 night shifts and you're very tired and fall asleep at the wheel and kill the driver you collide with.

It's a consequence you never wanted to happen.... how can you not see this JJ?

So according to you, shoving someone from behind , isn't cowardly? Hiding behind a uniform, having removed any identifying marks/badges/signs. isn't cowardly?

FFS Marty. Had Harwood had nothing to hide that day, he wouldn't have removed anything that would have identified him. He wouldn't have pulled his scarf over his face.
He only came forward, because he realised there would be a major investigation into the circumstances of Tomlinsons's death once the video from another innocent bystander had been released.
Harwood behaved just like a bully that day. He also behaved like the coward that he truly is by removing identification and attacking Tomlinson from behind. He couldn't have picked a better target (as a bully),,,. Walking away from him, hands in pockets, moving slowly. What better opportunity for a bully than to select the least threatening person?
I sincerely hope Harwood got a real thrill out of attacking a defenceless human being from behind, and I really hope, when he's found guilty and sentenced, that other prisoners find him , just as easy a target .... From behind, when he's least expecting it.
I'm sure Harwood will be on the receiving end of prison justice for a long time, and I'm equally sure, the screws will turn a blind eye to it. (just as other Met officers turned a blind eye to this thug, then tried to cover up his actions.)
That would be most unfair LMB. Harwood deserves to be on trial for his crime. ( I know, your going to use the argument, "He was only doing his job") , But he wasn't doing his job that day. Had he been doing his job, he'd have guarded that police van , till the bitter end.
I do hope the jury foreman stands at the end of this trial and when asked "How do the jury find the accused? " The foreman says in a loud , clear voice, "We the jury find the defendant guilty as charged."
I also hope the jury can recommend that the Metropolitan Police and the pathologist who conducted the first post mortem, are investigated as fully as possible. With the view to action being taken against them for being complicit in a cover up, concerning the death of Ian Tomlinson.
Well I can always hope can't I ?
He was not doing his job.

Even setting aside the issue of leaving the van. If he was ordered by his superiors to stay with the van, then he should also face disciplinary action.

He was not acting as any reasonable person would expect a man of his training and experience and position to act.

He should have stayed cool, calm and collected and remembered his training.

He failed at the first hurdle and let his emotions get the better of him.
He's a known thug and bully boy that sees himself a some kind of modern day storm trooper - THAT is why he was told to stay at the van. He's a nutter and he's going inside to get knocked down like a skittle every ten minutes. So he thinks he's hard eh? He'll soon find out that he's not.
Why are people obsessed with the 'guarding the van' aspect of this case.

F*ck me, if someone was in charge of protecting the buns in the bun shop during a riot, they may well be tempted to take the initiative and help colleagues.

It's a red herring, it's nonsense. Nothing to do with it.
If someone is a violent thug, looking for a chance to have a go but...
was in charge of protecting the buns in the bun shop during a riot, they may well be tempted to take the initiative and...
attack some dopey old buffer wandering about the pavement mumbling to himself
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