Licensing of dog ownership - Lets start at £500 per year

A friend got woken last night to sounds of a cat fight, in his house.

Neighbours cat entered through their cat flap to attack his cat. Caused total mayhem and damage to property.

But nobody's fault of course, cats will be cats.
You could always advise him to fit his cat with a signature collar that opens the flap for him and keeps other cats out. I tried one out for a while but they are bulky. I still think the best way is to get them used to a routine when they can go out when you go to work then find their way home at feeding time. Their internal clock soon tells them when it's time to come home.
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The cat chased his cat through the flap, so that probably would not help.

Saw a cat crossing road near the A12 last night as I was driving home - a long way from any houses. They do get about.
are you getting real life confused with video games?
Trekking in the himalayas...

Took locals advice and kept a few throwing stones with a pointy edge to hand...

Also bought one of their trekking hiking aides which had a hefty club like top...

But in the end it was my hefty walking boots that did the trick, as I managed to kick it off the path into a small gorge, probably about 20m below...

To be honest it wasn't moving but whimpering, so to be fair it wasn't a confirmed kill at that point...

However given the fact that it wouldn't be long before it's 'mates' would be around before long to finish it off I didn't hang around, as the odds would have no doubt been very different!

You can cling to your scepticism if you like, but it's a scary experience I would hate to repeat!
Trekking in the himalayas...

Took locals advice and kept a few throwing stones with a pointy edge to hand...

Also bought one of their trekking hiking aides which had a hefty club like top...

But in the end it was my hefty walking boots that did the trick, as I managed to kick it off the path into a small gorge, probably about 20m below...

To be honest it wasn't moving but whimpering, so to be fair it wasn't a confirmed kill at that point...

However given the fact that it wouldn't be long before it's 'mates' would be around before long to finish it off I didn't hang around, as the odds would have no doubt been very different!

You can cling to your scepticism if you like, but it's a scary experience I would hate to repeat!


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Talking of dogs....

Mine for the past few months has become quite vocal with moaning noises. She lays down to relax, she lets out a moan, she can be laid down she moans. She not in pain, it's more like a comment on life. Give her a good brushing, which she loves, she moans. Rather than a moan, it comes over more like a purr.
My young dog speaks to me, when he wants to play he does little growly noises, when he wants to play with another dog it is higher pitched growls, and when he wants to go outside he just sits and stares at the door.
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Talking of dogs....

Mine for the past few months has become quite vocal with moaning noises. She lays down to relax, she lets out a moan, she can be laid down she moans. She not in pain, it's more like a comment on life. Give her a good brushing, which she loves, she moans. Rather than a moan, it comes over more like a purr.
Ours has been doing that for the last 6 months or so. More like a satisfied sigh. Just like I do when plonking myself down in the chair for the evening.
MY wife bought some filled bones for the dogs today, she did not give them to them though.
The GSD later on bought here one of his old filled bones, laid it at her feet and just stared at her.

Clever little sod was saying "can we have our filled bones now?" lol
My ex's ex (now dead dag) Daisy, a Staffie would not stop nudging my hand until I rubbed her head. I stop, she nudge my hand. again. Again. So FKN annoying, I just pick her up onto my lap. Never got any peace with that dag. That hispanic dag whisperer, pssht thing, meh. Full of 5hit.
Oh, and them Jack Russel's. They can fk right off. Bit twice by dags in my life, and yep, both Jack Russel's. Horrible little things. Pit bulls? Naa, them things.
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