What does technological singularity mean?
well........you have to know what a paradigm shift is first. A Paradigm shift is where someone makes a fundamental discovery that comp0letely chages the way scientific theory thinks, like the discovery that the earth goes round the sun, or the invention of high pressure steam engines.
A few years ago, some guy platted the dates of hundreds of paradigm shifts in dozens of scientific fields, and you can see thatthe average time between paradigm shifts is getting shorter or and shorter, or, look at it another way, the speed at which we are inventing new things and discovering new science is getting faster and faster. The rate of discovery is increasing on a logarithmic rate. The theory goes that there will be a point where new science is being discovered so fast all of a sudden ALL scientific knowledge will suddenly become available to mankind, and it will occur at the same time as true Artificial Intelligence is invented. This point, where all of a sudden we know everything, and all knowledge and technology is mastered or master-able, is called the Technological Singularity.
The arrival of AI and the technological singularity will herald a new phase in human development, where man and AI combine to form superior, immortal man-machine cybernetic intelligence.
The scary bit is that the calculated date if this occurring is somewhere between 2045 and 2075.................