Hmm, I think there may be a major misconception here, i.e. Brains are not binary computers. Simply having a mega number cruncher is not the same as sentience. Doesn't matter how many cycles or processors you add.
There is a hell of a long way top go, and personally, I don't think we're even on the right track yet.
Just read about tecnological singularity from good old wikipedia. I will sleep sound tonight, and for the rest of my life. Not an ice cubes.
Were closer than you think.
If we can already do a partial cats brain simulation, and computer power is doubling every 1.2 years, then I would estimate human brain simulation by 2020. The next step is AI, which implies sentience. The big debate really is whether the technological singularity is a consequence of AI sentience, or vice versa, but either way my money is on 2050 +/- 10 years.