London bombings how dreadful......

One small note of reassurance......if thats the best Al-quieda can do....then B- - - - - - s! to them

They will never defeat this country.....ever all of those killed....
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Shaking with fear? They say it was most likely done by "homegrown" islamic terrorists, but surely anyone who has lived in Britain knows that below our skin of worryingly wimpy liberalism, are the hearts of the Celts, the Vikings and the Saxons, regardless of your colour. Would a fearful country have recaptured Europe from the Nazis? Or fought off the armies of the Roman Empire almost to the last man, woman and child? Our history is one of choosing death over defeat.

What do they expect we will do? All turn around and say "Yeh, you're right. Tell ya wot, we'll all become fundamentalist muslims, take a 4000-year step back in cultural evolution, abandon all that is right, oppress our women and keep our children ignorant.".

Of course we won't. We are British. We only include the word "hysteria" in our dictionaries to describe the actions of excitable foreigners.

So, shaking with fear? Nope, we're just shivering in a great British summer.
Terrible things going on down there. Can only be glad that there aren't really dirty bombs, chemical weapons, or anything more serious......
Zampa said:

Zampa, I don't think such comments are helpful to this discussion and are only likely to provoke other comments of this nature.

What happened today was a disgrace, but as the Blitz did not defeat us, I don't think a few bombs, despite the impact they have, will have the effect the perpetrators of these attrocities desired.

I was involved in todays events, and saw some sights that I had hoped never to witness in the UK, I am only grateful to the Emergency Services Personell who have reacted and behaved so brilliantly and prefessionally in the aftermath of horrific events they had to deal with.
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FWL_Engineer said:
Zampa said:

Zampa, I don't think such comments are helpful to this discussion and are only likely to provoke other comments of this nature.

What happened today was a disgrace, but as the Blitz did not defeat us, I don't think a few bombs, despite the impact they have, will have the effect the perpetrators of these attrocities desired.

I was involved in todays events, and saw some sights that I had hoped never to witness in the UK, I am only grateful to the Emergency Services Personell who have reacted and behaved so brilliantly and prefessionally in the aftermath of horrific events they had to deal with.

Fair comment and in the light of todays events I will withdraw it....but if it provoked other comments of the same nature perhaps it goes to show that other people think the man is an eighteen karat crank too.
I would have to agree Galloway is a little clueless. He has the "winding other MPs up" side of politics down to a T, but is yet to learn the "politics" side of politics .

Also, I think it was inappropriate and wrong for Ken to say "the bombs were aimed at working class Londoners"... for one, public transport is used by all in London, for another, I would have thought that people working traditionally "working class" jobs would have been at work by 8:49.
The silly thing is, that this sort of action has the complete opposite effect to it's intention. To you and I, this sort of thing is a disaster, but to blair and bush it's just another, high profile, photo opportunity. The fact that Tone happened to have all those VIPs to hand, just added to his kudos.

It's hard to shine as a man of action when nothing needs doing. Disasters are a godsend for politicians. This will also give the warmongers a chance to say "see, we told you".

It's rather like the reports that Osama didn't want Bush getting in at the last election. What better endorsement could he have have had. I can't imagine any American thinking "Oh, Osama don't like him so I'll vote for someone else".

All in all, it just shows how naieve these terrorists are. If they were cleaver, and wanted to stick two fingers up to the west, they should have persuaded the people of Iraq to vote Sadam Husain back into power through the democratic process. That would have taken considerably more inteligence though.
Have to say that Islam is the cause of most terrorism.

Most muslims dont agree with what happened yeaterday and follow their religion in the peaceful guise of what it says, but there is something in that religion that somehow the twisted minds see as their right to kill and maim in the name of Islam.

Condolances to the relatives and friends who lost someone yesterday
Freddie said:
Have to say that Islam is the cause of most terrorism.
that's misguided! the people behind the attrocities don't know what the islamic faith stands for so it is extremely insulting to those true islamic faithful who abhore what has happened.
Well now, i think the catholic church has run a few crusades in its time. The Catholic and Protestants have had a good go in Ireland, and other parts of Europe. The trouble is that religion gets roped in to support what you wanted to do anyway. it just becomes a lable for our lot and their lot. The danger might be that if you start identifying muslims as the enemy, then people who just happen to be muslim but otherwise really were completely uninterested in whatever is going on, get drawn in to the 'muslim' side. Rather a risk with Iraq. Iraq was utterly disinterested in Britain. Might there now be some people there who would just love to do what happened yesterday?

It is not true that this sort of thing is counter-productive. Many wars have been won by terrorism. It may get some people in britain fighting mad, but it also encourages the supporters of whoever does it. It caused somewhere between a million and a billion pounds of damage to the British economy yesterday. If we want it to stop, all we have to do is stop attacking these people in their home countries. Who started this?

Galloway? Probably an extremist on the pacifist side, but if someone had learnt a lesson from him and not invaded Iraq, then this would not have happened.
I remember being a teenager in the early '80s, when we seemed to be living with the constant threat of nuclear war. When the Falkland's war was declared, a lot of people were frightened that this was the beginning of the end, and we saw a 'real' war with 'real' people fighting.

Nowadays war is devalued - People support the idea of going to war as if it were just another news event or video game. Our side remains relatively casualty free whilst we send in missiles from off the coast, or blanket bomb from high altitude, and certainly far away from the British mainland. We no longer know what war feels like.

What happened yesterday is the dirty side of war - It is no different to Hitler bombing London. No-one liked it, but people did see that it was part of what war entailed.

The only way to prevent it in future is to adopt a less glib attitude to war, and a more mature attitude to peace and co-existence. The outrage we fell today is felt by every villager who sees his family wiped out by missiles around the world.

This is not a time for point-scoring - For every Zampa blaming George Galloway, you could find just as many, probably more blaming Tony Blair and saying that the Iraq war makes this sort of thing more likely, not less. Lets reflect for a few days before we start pointing the finger, and trying to use this to justify our pre-held ideas.
well said, look for solutions rather than use force.
jtaunton, there are already letters being published in the newspapers blaming TB for causing this due to invading Iraq. They even suggest he has blood on his hands for this!
kendor said:
Freddie said:
Have to say that Islam is the cause of most terrorism.
that's misguided! the people behind the attrocities don't know what the islamic faith stands for so it is extremely insulting to those true islamic faithful who abhore what has happened.

Oh really Kendor, so you know terrorists personally then or you have read about them or seen their televised statements on how they dont know anything about Islam ????

I should imagine they know more than most but like all religions they see a different path in the words
Tony Blair is to blame because he hood winked and lied to everybody for the reasons to go into Iraq which is what has fed these misguided fools with the ideas and notions on bombing Britain.

They may have found another reason to do it but this is the reason why or so some of them claim.
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