London bombings how dreadful......

kendor said:
Freddie said:
kendor said:
That is not what you said:
Freddie said:
Have to say that Islam is the cause of most terrorism.

This really is pathetic Kendor-------the Islamic terrorist arent reading the bible are they ???

Alquada doesnt even excist except for the main group which were largely spread after afganistan, what there is now is lots of little terrorist cells or groups or claim to be Islamic something who maybe in some way linked or just claim that they are linked to Bin Laden.

A fact also is---all known suicide bombers have been muslims and claimed to belong to an islamic terrorist group
yes you are right this is becoming pathetic as you don't listen to what is being said, let me say it again. terrorists are not religious people they are abusing the name of Islam therefore your statement that Islam is the cause of most terrorism is misguided comprehende?

And like i said at the beginning but you fail to be able to read or understand--your statement that they arent religious people--how the hell do you know, you already admitted that you dont know any but then you speak of personal knowlege of them that they are religious, ..

facts Kendor

All terrorists who have been suicide bombers have been muslims and belonged to an Islamic terrorists group

All terrorists claim to have done it in the name of Islam.

The terrorists come from different countries around the world and may never ever have met

The link between all of the terrorists has been Islam

As far as i know no where in there religion does it say that they justify murder and terrorism, so must read something else from their religion which binds them together and that link is Islam----i dont know what it is.

They have followings of religious fanatics who are muslims and also believe in their twisted version of Islam

but as you say everybody else is wrong as they arent religious but you dont know any to back up your facts and everybody else in the world is misguided and wrong and you know it all

somehow you arent quite convincing Kendor, if you could back it up with facts or proof then i would take all what i have written off the forum when i come back tonight, so that gives you a couple of hours to get in touch with ?
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Freddie said:
kendor said:
Freddie said:
kendor said:
That is not what you said:
Freddie said:
Have to say that Islam is the cause of most terrorism.

This really is pathetic Kendor-------the Islamic terrorist arent reading the bible are they ???

Alquada doesnt even excist except for the main group which were largely spread after afganistan, what there is now is lots of little terrorist cells or groups or claim to be Islamic something who maybe in some way linked or just claim that they are linked to Bin Laden.

A fact also is---all known suicide bombers have been muslims and claimed to belong to an islamic terrorist group
yes you are right this is becoming pathetic as you don't listen to what is being said, let me say it again. terrorists are not religious people they are abusing the name of Islam therefore your statement that Islam is the cause of most terrorism is misguided comprehende?

And like i said at the beginning but you fail to be able to read or understand--your statement that they arent religious people--how the hell do you know, you already admitted that you dont know any but then you speak of personal knowlege of them that they are religious, ..

facts Kendor

All terrorists who have been suicide bombers have been muslims and belonged to an Islamic terrorists group

All terrorists claim to have done it in the name of Islam.

The terrorists come from different countries around the world and may never ever have met

The link between all of the terrorists has been Islam

As far as i know no where in there religion does it say that they justify murder and terrorism, so must read something else from their religion which binds them together and that link is Islam----i dont know what it is.

They have followings of religious fanatics who are muslims and also believe in their twisted version of Islam

but as you say everybody else is wrong as they arent religious but you dont know any to back up your facts and everybody else in the world is misguided and wrong and you know it all

somehow you arent quite convincing Kendor, if you could back it up with facts or proof then i would take all what i have written off the forum when i come back tonight, so that gives you a couple of hours to get in touch with ?
Here we go again! these people could be called archbishops for all i care they ARE NOT religious people and therefore have no right to use the good name of Islam.
And that is where you are misguided
Adam you mention Abu Hamza in your post, do you consider him a religious man? same with all that condone violence, if a group decide to call themselves muslims they might as well call themselves christians or buddhists it makes no difference the good name of the religion is being abused.
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Kendor you are getting a little confused, these people and supporters say are appear to be religious, and commit their acts in the name of their religion, but i agree they are bad people and bringing the good name of a religion ( assuming you believe that stuff ) into the dirt.

But the fact is they are religious and commit their crime in the name of their religion however misguided that may be and however much you dont like it, but it is not for you to say who can and cant be religious or are you now god???
Islamic Fundamentalist is the term you are missing out. Islam preaches peace but these people believe in a Ji'had ( A holy war) which has been sanctioned by someone they believe to be a great spiritual leader i.e Bin Laden. He has preached that the West is evil and this is being taught to the younger generations. He has said that all westerners and their ideals are evil and that Allah will reward those who fight the infidel (us) with a greater life in the afterlife. Sounds crazy to us doesn't it? But this is the root of the problem. Most muslims are not as fanatical but it only takes a few to believe in the cr*p coming from one of their leaders mouths for there to be atrocities like this. The one problem we have is that unlike any other terrorist organisation, Al Qu'eda does not have a mandate so there is no room for negotiation. The only thing they want is ALL westerners and their ideals removed from every muslim land by any means possible. Religion is not the problem it is those who use it as a smokescreen for their own goals who are the problem. Internment in the 70's reduced terrorist attacks hugely in Ulster. Maybe it is time to return to the good old days in the interest of us.
lets get this straight .. as most lanndoners have...

its not .. muslim extremists or NOT


who pray on fools wether muslim /christen or banana righteous ..
the end of the day do your worst , we are everywhere an we will take you down an you will die beaten every day in PRISON
as a piece of ****
Me and Julie (my missus, not JulieL!!) have argued about this several times - I firmly believe that if B lood y Bliar had not linked arms (pun intended) with Bush, then we would not find ourselves in this situation today.

AFAIK, Al Quaeda have never attempted terror in the UK, or at least not before the Gulf Wars.

So, cheers Tone! More f"£$%*&g blood on your hands.

There has been lots of talk here of a holes and w kers.....if anyone is, he is.
Point being made is that the religion doesn't tell it's followers to commit attrocities and therefore those that do are NOT following the teachings, that is why it is wrong to say these creatures are linked to Islam they are NOT.
Anyone who calls themselves religious and can do such horrible acts would be deluding themselves if they thought that their god would be supporting them.
There are millions of good people out there that follow the faith who would be insulted that the good name of their religion is being brought into dispute and it is this misunderstanding of politics being brought into the plain of religion which is misguided.
kendor said:
Point being made is that the religion doesn't tell it's followers to commit attrocities and therefore those that do are NOT following the teachings, that is why it is wrong to say these creatures are linked to Islam they are NOT.
Anyone who calls themselves religious and can do such horrible acts would be deluding themselves if they thought that their god would be supporting them.
There are millions of good people out there that follow the faith who would be insulted that the good name of their religion is being brought into dispute and it is this misunderstanding of politics being brought into the plain of religion which is misguided.

At last it's sunk in----I totally agree with what you have just said, but there is something in Islam that THEY see which makes them ALL agree to behave and follow in the perverted way they do----Islam is the link and the reasoning that gives these fanatics and their fanaticall deeply religious followers the aim in life to destroy anything that isnt as them.

Some quotes from these people------The world will follow Islam by teaching or by the gun.

You are either a Muslim or dead

Even now in Iran the children start the day by chanting death to America and it's allies---this in religious teachings at school.

I agree Kendor that all of the things arent done by people who follow a religioun which is supposed to be about peace, but why do these fanatics see something else in it that makes them want to die for their cause and kill everybody
Freddie said:
At last it's sunk in----I totally agree with what you have just said, but there is something in Islam that THEY see which makes them ALL agree to behave and follow in the perverted way they do----Islam is the link and the reasoning that gives these fanatics and their fanaticall deeply religious followers the aim in life to destroy anything that isnt as them.
you say it's sunk in at last but the point i made in my last post was the same point i was making in my first!
Can you quote the source where you have got these figures of ALL?
and i don't mean from a mate down the pub, For every Abu Hamza who claims to be Islamic there are many who are genuine and follow the Peacefulteachings of the Koran. Don't get swept away by the wrong conclusions and out of context reports you hear, talk to some of the people themselves and hear their views before making such blatant and misguided comments.
When working in Egypt a few years back my friend Ussamah gave me an English version of the Koran. I tried to read it but being an utter atheist I didn't get far. So basically he explained to me that there is only one dog ( I'm dyslexic as well ;) ). But this one Dog had three sons, one for the R.C./C of E church, one for the Jewish religion and one for the moslems ( that one born in Mecca). Now he told me that the Koran preaches nothing but Peace, Love and Understanding (Thankyou Mr. Costello).
These fanatics basically read between the lines, as we can all do to justify something, and then go there own way.
That's why I'm an atheist, more people have died due to religious beliefs than through the fact that "I don't like you".
And now they've killed an Egyptian (Moslem) envoy. Where's the sense in that ? Kill your own and make a errrrm, bad point. Probably because Egypt loves the Yankee dollar.
Nuff said.
Kendor i am an atheist and i dont have an axe to grind wit any religion as i regard them all the same as troublesome superstition that people use to make money or get power or both.

That said i have nothing against honest law abiding muslims, i am not out to have a go at them.

Under the Ayatolla bloke in Iran it was compulsary to have kids do that before lessons, whether it is now i dont know, but perhaps the new bloke may bring it back being he is of the same crowd.

The qoute of " It's a fact that Islam is the cause of most terrorism " was actually a quote from the BBC web site from around 6 months back from i think the Egypt leader or one of his politicians---you will have to find it, it will be quite easy and i cant be bothered.
The fact that a politician says something is no guarantee that it is true
Damocles said:
The fact that a politician says something is no guarantee that it is true

And thats not what i said again Damocles, and again you twist my words.

Also coming from some one who for months, with hundreds of posts and tens of thousands of words on how he knew what was best for all of us as regards the EU--Europe--Our future--Finance and Security, and argued with everyone on the forum telling them they didnt know what they were talking about---only for him to be proved 150% wrong on all accounts with the Euro near collapse, the EU in tatters also near collapse, nobody in Europe wanting Damocles ideals, nearly every minister in Europe squabling and taking sides, Britain bombed last week which may have been the cause of lax immigration imposed on us by Damocles Europe and afterwards the other member states imposing security border controls to prevent them being attacked, again something everybody else on the forum said we needed except the EU champion.

All in all Damocles after the past 6 months record of your stuff i dont think anybody ought to listen to another word you say because my friend i dont think you could get anything right if you tried.
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