kendor said:yes you are right this is becoming pathetic as you don't listen to what is being said, let me say it again. terrorists are not religious people they are abusing the name of Islam therefore your statement that Islam is the cause of most terrorism is misguided comprehende?Freddie said:kendor said:That is not what you said:
Freddie said:Have to say that Islam is the cause of most terrorism.
This really is pathetic Kendor-------the Islamic terrorist arent reading the bible are they ???
Alquada doesnt even excist except for the main group which were largely spread after afganistan, what there is now is lots of little terrorist cells or groups or claim to be Islamic something who maybe in some way linked or just claim that they are linked to Bin Laden.
A fact also is---all known suicide bombers have been muslims and claimed to belong to an islamic terrorist group
And like i said at the beginning but you fail to be able to read or understand--your statement that they arent religious people--how the hell do you know, you already admitted that you dont know any but then you speak of personal knowlege of them that they are religious, ..
facts Kendor
All terrorists who have been suicide bombers have been muslims and belonged to an Islamic terrorists group
All terrorists claim to have done it in the name of Islam.
The terrorists come from different countries around the world and may never ever have met
The link between all of the terrorists has been Islam
As far as i know no where in there religion does it say that they justify murder and terrorism, so must read something else from their religion which binds them together and that link is Islam----i dont know what it is.
They have followings of religious fanatics who are muslims and also believe in their twisted version of Islam
but as you say everybody else is wrong as they arent religious but you dont know any to back up your facts and everybody else in the world is misguided and wrong and you know it all
somehow you arent quite convincing Kendor, if you could back it up with facts or proof then i would take all what i have written off the forum when i come back tonight, so that gives you a couple of hours to get in touch with ?