Looking for 4-way 250v rotary switch

I was thinking of a photo of the broken switch and the plastic mounting assembly.
Well, the switch isn't broken as I said earlier. It's the plastic mechanism.

Much as I appreciate your helfulness, I'd have to unmount it and take it apart again to do that. Last resort, I think, if I can't find an alternative solution.

To be honest, I don't think it's repairable since the operating slide is moulded into the fascia. The whole fascia would need changing and that puts the cost out of court - getting close to a new hood price!
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A switch like the one you posted a photo of would cost more than a cheap cooker hood. Try freecycle - join your local group, ask if anyone is throwing out their cooker hood. I often see complete kitchens on there.
Or take a multicore cable(s) to a position on the wall and use normal switches for the fan, lights etc.
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A switch like the one you posted a photo of would cost more than a cheap cooker hood. Try freecycle - join your local group, ask if anyone is throwing out their cooker hood. I often see complete kitchens on there.
That switch is offered at £6.28 delivered!
Or take a multicore cable(s) to a position on the wall and use normal switches for the fan, lights etc.
"Normal switches"? However you do it you still need a 2 pole, 4 position, BBM switch! May as well mount it on the canopy if you can find a suitable one :)
But what connections are made and broken at each of the 3 positions?
Well, at the first position the fan is off.
2nd position: the contacts connect to the low speed coil of the fan motor.
3rd position: the low speed contacts are broken and the 3rd contacts connect to the medium speed coil of the fan motor.
4th position: the medium speed contacts are broken and the 4th contacts connect to the high speed coil of the fan motor.
Are the different windings all completely separate, or are they commoned at one end?

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