Looks like Labour are rolling over for the unions to have their bellies tickled.

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Unconditional surrender by the looks of it. More strikes to come. Let’s have a sweepstake on which Union will be calling their members out next.
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Mottie voted for Brexit because he believed British workers wages were suppressed by EU migrants

Mottie does not approve of Unions campaigning for better wages and conditions for British workers.

Muppetry at its finest
Mottie does not approve of Unions campaigning for better wages and conditions for British workers.
Unconditional. At least the Tories were trying to modernise the working conditions to get better value in the long term. Labour: Here’s the money lads, carry on with those outdated working practices - don't worry, the taxpayer will be picking up the bill.
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Unconditional surrender by the looks of it. More strikes to come. Let’s have a sweepstake on which Union will be calling their members out next.
There have been non stop strikes since 2022 under Tories

And had they won, there would’ve been more and more strikes

Thank goodness we have adults in charge which settle disputes for slightly more than Tories were offering but saving the huge cost of strikes.
Thank goodness we have adults in charge which settle disputes for slightly more than Tories were offering but saving the huge cost of strikes.
Perhaps the coal mines and the newspapers could start back up again?
At least the Tories were trying to modernise the working conditions to get better value in the long term
That’s utter bolox

Go and watch select committee extracts on this and you can see what shoite you are talking.

Better value…..the contracts Tory govt gave TOCs (train operating companies) meant they made money even on strike days….they couldn’t lose Better value my arze :ROFLMAO:
It would be great to open the new high quality coking coalmine in Whitehaven. Many high paying jobs and great for the local economy. Or we could just still import coal from India now that's so good for the environment.
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