Looks like Labour are rolling over for the unions to have their bellies tickled.

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Education to GCSE level and 7 - 9 months training.
You can apply directly to a train operating company to become a trainee driver.
Employers usually expect you to have GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C) in English and maths, or equivalent qualifications.
Training can last between 12 and 24 months.

I'll add a :) as that is underground, salary 24 rising to £65k but bet the needs of surface train driver are similar. Low salary can include other related jobs for starters.

Better add 35 to 40hr week. 65k probably 40.
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Anybody ever said how much the managers get paid ?

And the antisocial hours involved too
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Got any he posted before he made that claim of not posting videos? That clip is after he made the claim.
You should check out my other comments after Mottie asked me to post the evidence. :rolleyes:
Here they are for your perusal. :rolleyes:

I had no intention of searching your past posts, for YouTube clips. I just used the latest two that I remembered.
But the point stands. You frequently use You Tube clips to support your assertion.
I bloody well don’t!
I have no inclination of trawling though your old posts to prove you wrong.
So I'll accept your denial, for now.
But I'll keep an open mind until the next time you produce a You Tube clip to reinforce your point.
Like I said, I'll keep an open mind until the next time.
You said frequently. Show me just one YouTube clip I’ve used then.
I've just said I have no inclination on searching your posting history to find an example. :rolleyes:
So I will accept your denial, for now, until an example occurs to prove your denial is made in deceit.
Then I will prove your deceitful denial. :rolleyes:
Okay. So 'frequently' in your book means ‘can’t find any'.
On this occasion it means I haven't looked and I don't intend to. I'm confident the opportunity will arise in the future to prove my point. :rolleyes:

Do you understand now? :rolleyes:
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Which will boosts pay as it generally does.
Yes, but take it into account when saying how easy other people's jobs and wages are.

It's not a 9 to 5 office job.

The managers are on substantially more too. Perhaps the restraint should start at the top ?
Do you understand now? :rolleyes:
That you are a trolling bell end? yes, I have understood for ages. now off you go and try and talk yourself into believing you are right, because I don't think anyone else is listening to you. On to ignore you go, and as I said to one of your previous incarnations - au revoir branleur!
That you are a trolling bell end? yes, I have understood for ages. now off you go and try and talk yourself into believing you are right, because I don't think anyone else is listening to you. On to ignore you go, and as I said to one of your previous incarnations - au revoir branleur!
I don't ned to convince myself, I already know. Pity you didn't check out the rest of the saga before flouncing in. :rolleyes:
Au revoir.
There's no need for the abuse on parting, You could just slam the door as you flounce out. :giggle:
How many times were you called that before finding out its meaning? :ROFLMAO:
- au revoir branleur!
As Jonathon Woss would say:
Your earlier wesponse was a wed hewwing.
As you've been on this site much longer than I, you have a much higher branler for your thanks than me.
So it's fair to say you out-se branler me by some considewable margin.
Au wevoir. :giggle:
One of the aspects of pay rises is that they tend to increase GDP at the expense of some inflation. While the Tory were in pay rises on average were higher than usual. Plenty of news about that was around. The BofE use this type of info to predict ahead and as forecast inflation has increased a touch. It seems that more time will be needed to get a stable 2%. The BofE could put the screws on hard enough to cause job losses.

The BofE also look at broad sectors. The interesting one is services. One eg those who were asking for another period of VAT reduction, To do them any long term good it would need to be permanent. Inflation in this sector is still ~5%. You could see that as trying to restore profit. Most of it probably is but wages and attracting and keeping people may also figure.

What would really rile the BofE is pay rises that match inflation levels when that was high. That would kick the whole thing back to situations the UK has had in the past. Permanent high inflation levels. LOL Tory again but ok the economics has been changed. Brown some time after this period. These days the OBR has been added and the fiscal rules.

The actual average pay rises have finished up to be in the 5~6% range. Well short of the highest inflation levels.
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