Low inlet gas pressure - Worcester Greenstar 42CDI bolier

(Bamber - feel free to have a drunken strop, or pretend to be American, or Irish, or competent, or stupid, or clever, or an RGI, or whatever you like, because nothing you write here will change anyone's opinion of you. You might like to feel flattered at all the attention, so do whatever you like. Just try and incorporate sex and travel into the activity).

Actually I am flattered by all the attention, it`s been a Hoot. But I think maybe it`s time fer `ol Bamber to hitch up his Hoss & gently disappear into the Sunset. Before I go, I`d just like to think that someday you`ll look back on my musings & enjoy them for what they were,(sob) :cry: the ramblings of a drink sodden fool, (although I know I was hated).To Softus, I never disliked you Mate, it was all showboating ;) you are actually a very clever, witty guy, to ChrisR, I know you`re most excellent, so do we all. To Agile, what a guy! (clever to boot) & to Corgiman, I`ll always remember you as a warm, generous Human being.
So it`s so long from me as this will be my last post. Take care you bunch of Ars*holes! ;)
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Bamber was expecting better from ya.. looks like you have confirmed peoples thoughts about you. Sooey wins on a technical knockout.
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Bamber, I hope its not because I nearly agreed with you :eek: :eek:

If it matters that much I'll always argue against you :LOL:
Bamber You do make me giggle just you sometimes dont know when to stop


dont go, calm down

WE have just had a Bosch Worcester combi boiler installed. Operating gas pressure found to be between 10 and 15 mbar at best. National grid called out by British Gas to investigate. They found that the old iron gas main of approx 30mm diameter had been lined about 10 years ago, presumably by Transco, with a black flexible plastic pipe. This pipe is only about 12mm internal and has a spiral formation for flexibility. It is no wonder that flow of gas is so slow. They are hopefully replacing it with a 32mm yellow plastic pipe. This must explain why with the previous backboiler setup the gas fire used to dip every time the boiler fired up.

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