Seems to me that sound insulation is a doomed trap. Inverse square law applies. It does work. But however much you spend it is never 'quite' good enough. And because you have fitted it you cannot compare before and after, or with and without.
Keeping that in mind, I have used Rockwool RWA45, and am happy with it and def recommend it. But like all sound proofing never a 100pc fix. Afterwards wished I had spent a little/lot more money and instead of using normal plaster board, used Sound Board or even Fire board as I had that avalible and to hand, to further increase density of wall.
And if I had done that I am sure I would have wished I used staggered studwork. And the resilient bars. Etc
But no idea (or way of telling) if this would have made a marked difference.
On a quiet morning can still hear the toilet in use.