made some more enemies... oops...

A few years back, I had walked through a bunch of hoodies in an alley only to come face to face with a fragile old boy carrying his shopping, walking towards them. I turned with him and walked with him to his house.
He then asked "why did you do that?"
"Because of those little sh*ts back there" I said.
He put me me straight in my place, " Listen, they are just angry, nothing else, just young and angry. Every day they see people going to and from jobs they cannot get, going to houses they'll never own, cars they'll never drive... If you were them wouldn't you be p*****d off?

(badly paraphrased but) TRUE.

Changed the way I look at young'uns.

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.to kev.......erm........the rockers kicked the sh*t out of the mods ....the skinheads kicked it out of everyone! supporters....hmmm was it millwall....fighting every weekend....the riots in the early 80's.....TBH theres probably less violence now than then!!....
There's a lot more kids getting killed by other kids now than ever there was in the 60's 70's and 80's.
.to kev.......erm........the rockers kicked the sh*t out of the mods ....the skinheads kicked it out of everyone! supporters....hmmm was it millwall....fighting every weekend....the riots in the early 80's.....TBH theres probably less violence now than then!!....

What sort of planet are you living on love? Decent, law abiding family men like Gary Newlove, having their heads used as footballs by teenage scum. All because he tried to protect his family/property.

Wouldn't have been so common 80 years ago, because the savages responsible would have ended up taking a long drop on a short rope. But then, you would disagree with tough laws, that actually CONTROLLED crime.

Its precisely because politically correct, nicey-nicey, touchy-feely women have been educated too much and allowed to make policies, laws and decisions in government and the legal system, that we're now seeing untouchable violent savage young people.

It comes down to this;

When we lived in a world run by adults, and I really mean MEN, if someone did wrong, they would say ''he has committed such-and-such crime, so he will suffer xxxxx punishment''

Women on the other hand, who have been allowed to have more education than is good for them and society, will say ''he has committed such-and-such crime. Lets look into the reasons why he felt he needed to do this, blah, blah, blah''

Get real love. There's always been violent crime. The statistics are that it is increasing, and the laws that control it are now a joke. Even murderers are out in 10 years (Bulger, Damilola Taylor).

You don't have a clue what you're talking about. :rolleyes:
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err point

1 there ain't a pub (bar) in Ashland City the nearest one is on sams creek road thats across the county line so that will be davidson not cheatam ding (or are you another one of these tossers that thinks the location is a gag )

2 shut the freakin hell up 4 posts go away sonny :rolleyes:
....times have changed and hitting kids is not acceptable...

the older generation paint a very rosy picture of the olden days.....of course there were unruly kids back then......that why there were approved schools and borstals....full of em!....

And today instead of punishing them, we label them, Special Needs, ADD, ADHD, Aspergia, Dyslexic. They are then rewarded for being disruptive,
When I went to school there was not a single disruptive kid in the whole school - and it was a very big school. The cane ruled.

There was a line in the sand that you knew you dare not cross without risking a hiding. Today there is no line so kids can do just as they please.

They then carry the same attitude straight onto the dole queue.

They live on benefits and cause mayhem their whole life through.

All they know how to do is create more clones of themselves.
When I went to school there was not a single disruptive kid in the whole school - and it was a very big school. The cane ruled.

There was a line in the sand that you knew you dare not cross without risking a hiding. Today there is no line so kids can do just as they please.

They then carry the same attitude straight onto the dole queue.

They live on benefits and cause mayhem their whole life through.

All they know how to do is create more clones of themselves.

When I went to school kids were being caned on a daily basis so what was your point again?
When I went to school there was not a single disruptive kid in the whole school - and it was a very big school. The cane ruled.

There was a line in the sand that you knew you dare not cross without risking a hiding. Today there is no line so kids can do just as they please.

They then carry the same attitude straight onto the dole queue.

They live on benefits and cause mayhem their whole life through.

All they know how to do is create more clones of themselves.

When I went to school kids were being caned on a daily basis so what was your point again?

Just this.

When I went to school there was not a single disruptive kid in the whole school - and it was a very big school. The cane ruled.

There was a line in the sand that you knew you dare not cross without risking a hiding. Today there is no line so kids can do just as they please.

They then carry the same attitude straight onto the dole queue.

They live on benefits and cause mayhem their whole life through.

All they know how to do is create more clones of themselves.
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joe-90";p="1735441 said:
r.bartlett";p="1735436 said:
When I went to school there was not a single disruptive kid in the whole school - and it was a very big school. The cane ruled.

There was a line in the sand that you knew you dare not cross without risking a hiding. Today there is no line so kids can do just as they please.
That was my exreience too from 1955 to 1962.
But to add to that, every kid I knew had a father who lived with the family, Practically all of these men had seen service, and most of them action. this situation gave those kids, espacially boys, generally a positive role model.
When I left school and got an engineering apprenticeship, I had in effect 2 positve role models, my father at home and Mr. Masters who was the journeyman responsible for my enlghtenment and good behaviour at work. Youngsters had to show deference to seniority, which I think maintained order.
My local rag The Sunderland Echo I find very depressing reading. It seems to be full of stories of murder, muggings,rapes, pensioners being beaten practically to death for a few pounds etc. etc. I hear people say things have not changed. they have.
My wife does the family tree at the local library public record office. A couple of months ago while we were there, and she was busy doing her thing. I got micro film records for the local rag of exactly 50 years back,and went through that same week in June.
Crime especially violent crime was negligable.There were 2 shoplifting offences, one of 2 drunks fighting in a pub and one of some teddy boys being a niusance at an amusement arcade.
also then it was shameful, disgraceful , humiliating, to be involved with the police or courts. Not now.
err point

1 there ain't a pub (bar) in Ashland City the nearest one is on sams creek road thats across the county line so that will be davidson not cheatam ding (or are you another one of these t*****s that thinks the location is a gag )

2 shut the freakin hell up 4 posts go away sonny :rolleyes:

I meant Whitespirit's post, not yours. Sounded like he had some Dutch courage. I was agreeing with you. :rolleyes:

Anyhow, what's the number of posts got to do with it? Is this a closed shop, or a public forum where everyone has the right to a non-abusive reply?
Never smacked my kids, I find the best way is to be patient by keep talking to them about right and wrong, a lot of kids cannot talk to their parents because they're frighten of them, in the long run they will hide their feelings away from you
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