Thanks for quick response! Glad to see it has at least got an RCD, though you ought to test it, and without a proper earth it may not work well. You press the little grey button and that diagonal lever will pop round about a quarter of a turn, to reset you turn it back.
Thhe two incomers to the cable head, is it one going in from the side and one from the bottom? Can you see them joining together somewhere, perhaps in a thick sheath or conduit? The one going in from the botton looks as if it has a thinner wire going in with it, is that right and can you see where it goes, and what colour under the white paint? Do they appear to be covered in glossy PVC under the paint, or is it a rubbery or tarry material? In your pic they look to be fatter than your new meter tails, which is good.
You mentioned that is is a flat, possibly the other floors have their own mains soming in from the street, or possibly they all gather together, perhaps in the hall or cellar - do you know? What floor are you on? It is certainly an old installation and overdue for renewal. The tails from the incomer to the meter have been stripped back too far (the grey sheathing ought to continue into the enclosure) so you could ask your supplier to replace them next time tou are having work done.