Man made climate change

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The argument is just over how much or how little man is affecting it
Why not take a very simple view. The fact that global temperatures are increasing can't be argued with. Green house gasses largely set what that temperature is. Again rather hard to argue about. It's varied in the past.

So we have a problem. We can reduce our C02 contribution. In real terms it's all we can do to try and control it. Actual cause in this respect is irrelevant.

Political "sinister" effects. It means jobs. Always attractive to politicians. Problems. China has spent more trying to cure their CO2 problem than the rest of the world all put together. They see a market and are well ahead on supplying it.
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It’s not settled

Do you disagree with either of these basic bits of the science? None of the other deniers has given an answer so far.

Greenhouse gases absorb infra red radiation and this causes them to warm up.

There is a natural warming effect (nothing to do with human activity) caused by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which keeps the earth about 33C warmer than it would otherwise be.
Aveatry says: man made climate change is real, climate change over last 200 years has not been caused by cosmic rays
I didn't say that though did I. notch is a totally untrustworthy character constantly misquoting.

This is what I said - note i included pollen and weather
Even things like pollen in the air can change the weather. As well as cosmic rays from billions light years away.

@JonathanM And then very purposely in a reply I left out pollen when I included "climate" - look here ---
Oh dear notch confuses sunshine with cosmic rays that can affect the climate from millions of light years away
I never mentioned climate change in 200 years - I said cosmic rays (not sunshine notch ) they are called solar rays.

As some studies have shown cosmic rays effect clouds and as they have been hitting the earth since it formed then they are part of our climate and have been so forever not just 200 years.
I didn't say that though did I. notch is a totally untrustworthy character constantly misquoting.

This is what I said - note i included pollen and weather

@JonathanM And then very purposely in a reply I left out pollen when I included "climate" - look here ---

I never mentioned climate change in 200 years - I said cosmic rays (not sunshine notch ) they are called solar rays.

As some studies have shown cosmic rays effect clouds and as they have been hitting the earth since it formed then they are part of our climate and have been so forever not just 200 years.
Just make a comment on the RATE of change. Its the bit that keeps getting ignored.
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Cosmic rays have been shown to effect clouds and as they have been hitting the earth since it formed then they are part of our climate and have been so forever not just 200 years.
That's the point. It is the recent rate of change that is causing concern, not cosmic rays which have been around since day 1.
I didn't say that though did I. notch is a totally untrustworthy character constantly misquoting.

This is what I said - note i included pollen and weather

@JonathanM And then very purposely in a reply I left out pollen when I included "climate" - look here ---

I never mentioned climate change in 200 years - I said cosmic rays (not sunshine notch ) they are called solar rays.

As some studies have shown cosmic rays effect clouds and as they have been hitting the earth since it formed then they are part of our climate and have been so forever not just 200 years.

Do you

A) believe climate change over the last 200 years is man made


B) or could it be the result of something else like cosmic rays?

Let’s see you grow a backbone and give a straight answer
It’s not settled
Yes it is

I’ve put links, graphs and charts up previously but they either got deleted or the thread was locked!
Nonsense, you’ve never posted any evidence

All you’ve done is post conspiracy garbage from propaganda sites

You don’t possess the capacity to undertake analytical research, “the Beano said it” is enough for you
Do you

A) believe climate change over the last 200 years is man made


B) or could it be the result of something else like cosmic rays?

Let’s see you grow a backbone and give a straight answer
A) believe climate change over the last 200 years is man made Not all of it is my answer and that is also the scientific consensus
B) or could it be the result of something else like cosmic rays? No is my answer
A) believe climate change over the last 200 years is man made Not all of it is my answer and that is also the scientific consensus

Roughly what proportion would you say? e.g. a tiny bit, the great majority, half?

I believe the vast majority of the temperature rise comes from human activity.
I believe the vast majority of the temperature rise comes from human activity.
That is the difference to what notch was asking. He was saying ALL of it.
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That is the difference to what notch was asking. He was saying ALL of it.
I would be grateful if you could provide a quote from any post of mine where I stated that

While you are at it, you could provide a quote where I stated cosmic rays all come from the sun
I would be grateful if you could provide a quote from any post of mine where I stated that
It is implicit in this question
Do you

A) believe climate change over the last 200 years is man made
You did not say (most or vast majority ) your question is asking do I think All of it is man made - so my answer was NO
we can have an interesting discussion

That is what I have been after all along! Have you ever seen a diagram like this? It's pretty complicated, but I think I've eventually got my head around it. This is one of the cycles I mentioned yesterday. One of the most amazing aspects, for me, is the array of instruments they have now to measure all this stuff. Whether that is satellites in orbit, or arrays on the ground, or balloons and planes.

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