Man made climate change

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Possibly, did Tokyo overcook it with their games?

Don't remember but if you remember we had a very wet summer 2012. When the London Olympics started it dried out and was sunny after the first couple of days
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Stop using your car!
Stop eating meat!
Stop going on holiday by plane!
Stop watering your garden!
Stop using your heating!
Stop using as much electricity!

No one has told me any of that, I suspect you are the same.

It may be you just want to get by from 9 'till 5 and don't have time to do any research, but lying isn't honourable.
Your giving numbsculls a good run if you can't get the gist of the point nose.
I'm writing this slowly for you so you might geddit (even denso gets it a bit)
Man made goes at changing the weather, example, operation Popeye, don't get a hearing whether it might influence climate change.
Just to put people's minds at rest, how about ceasing doing it for 10 years or more so as to eliminate that from the scientists Hocus pocus hypothesis.
I know, that wont happen to much invested in it, just as there's to many who are invested in earning a living out of the particular climate change theory we're sold.
Anything spouted by a scientist you seem to lap up, strange but true.
Who knows, but you claimed this wasn't mentioned on the "msm" at all.
Do you think they include mans ability to cloud seed in the same lesson as they're being preached climate change in schools?
Anything spouted by a scientist you seem to lap up, strange but true.
Same old, same old. You have a gut feeling the scientific community, over 99% in this case, are lying to you. But you can't actually give any specifics, cool...
in the same lesson as they're being preached climate change in schools?
Have you any evidence that preaching happens? Go on, be the first conspiracy theorist on here to back up what you say...
Who knows, but you claimed this wasn't mentioned on the "msm" at all.
It seem to come across as an article denouncing conspiracy theories.
Seemed obvious you'd have to make a comment when it's ****ed down that much in four days.
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