Tony Martin shot a burglar dead, these guys only gave the bloke brain damage so who is worse?
He was repeatedly robbed by these people and the so called criminal justice system of this great land did bug-ger all about it!
Tony Martin shot a burglar dead, these guys only gave the bloke brain damage so who is worse?
I know, doesn't mean I agreed with it but it's sod law yourself ending up in prison, I'm sick and tired of all the mp politicians who have failed this country with liesSo what - the police wouldn't have done anything about it other than give the victims a crime number for insurance purposesI don't have all the facts but the impression I'm getting that he was trying to get away and therefore should've let him go and let the police deal with it. If it was done in self defence in the property then fair enough but if it was done after he left the property then it's a revenge attack.
oooh you kinky barsteward! your place or mine?then when no one was looking, I would rip your head off, defficate in your neck, gouge your eyes out and have sexual relations with the sockets
And of these, how many did the police actually bother to make full enquiries into, make arrests, and suitable custodial sentencing ensue?Shall we say 58th robbery attempt did his head in?
does that mean that it will be ok to take the criminal to the top of a local(ish) tower block and throw him through a window? I do hope so.When I lived somewhere else an old man next to me was broken into during the night. He had to lay in bed and witness while they went through all his stuff looking for money etc.
Long story short, the 'Unofficial' police advice to me was to take them upstairs and 'throw them through the window'. A jury is more likely to believe a law abiding citizen that he was trying to escape than a criminal who said he was thrown.
Hmmm, it's a good point dex.What is "Law" anyway, other than a localised group's (called a country, state or province) way of exacting revenge?