Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

Footballers collapsing at 5 times the normal rate, 15 Tennis players in one tournament - conclusion? 'It's climate change' :ROFLMAO:

they aren’t true though.

the 15 tennis players in Miami…..not due to covid vaccine

footballers collapsing… can’t provide a reliable source

Now there’s a good chap, go and get yourself some help, you are clearly mentally unstable.
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'Everything that the BBC tells me not to like l must obey!'

You would have been a model citizen in the Nazi and Soviet regimes.
And that folks is the only argument conspiracy theorists have

”my source of information is right and yours is wrong”
they do it because it boosts their ego

people like Absquatulate think they are more clever than everybody, they think only they are right.

sadly it’s an indication of a narcissistic personality.
The football players phenomena is widely known, just not reported by your Government sanctioned sources, because its a bit embarrassing for them, you know 'safe and effective' and all that, off you go useful idiot.

apparently we are all brainwashed by “government sanctioned sources”

But Absquatulate says he has access to “special information“

come on Absquatulate please tell us how you are certain your “special information” is the only truth.

is it because you are more intelligent than the rest of us
Substack has loads of excellent work
how do you know.

Please tell me how you prove the information you believe on sub stack is based on fact, evidence, data.

Clearly you know more than we do, so please can you explain how you prove the veracity of your “information”

what is your due diligence process?
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Well l assess it on the evidence presented, and based on other sources, and links provided. I look at things objectively, it's impossible to ever know that everything is true, there is often nuance involved. So l make a rational judgement,

so you
"assess evidence presented"
"based on other sources"
"look at things objectively"

Please can you tell me how you apply that process to the article you posted

the article presents these issues:

1 the article is written anonymously
2 the article has no references, or links to source data
3 The writers and contributors don’t request interviews with scientists, government officials, or other qualified experts to make sure they’re interpreting these documents correctly
4 they dont give the right of reply to any of the institutions or figures they are reporting on, which is an expected journalistic practice

I await with interest to see how you have "assessed the evidence presented"
You actually believe all that nonsense? that's never happened before in a tournament, of course they're denying it whilst clutching their chests, what an utter idiot you are. It's interesting to note you never provide a link for your sources either, feel free to do that, you know, you being such an honest broker and all that.
Oh, not this again.

Last year, either another poster, or you with a different name, posted all the same crap. How many millions of people have died as a result of these make-believe illnesses you claim to affect vaccine luvvies? Or maybe thousands? Tens? Anybody?
Oh, not this again.

Last year, either another poster, or you with a different name, posted all the same crap. How many millions of people have died as a result of these make-believe illnesses you claim to affect vaccine luvvies? Or maybe thousands? Tens? Anybody?
I am trying to remember the conspiracist theorists weve had

I can remember Sooey and Pred

not sure about any others

they all follow the same MO: very abusive and all their arguments are based on "my information is better than yours"
This isn't difficult, go and look at the yellow card database reports, and VAERS reports, then understand that a Harvard study estimated around 1% of vaccine injuries get reported
false argument.

the yellow card reporting database is NOT a record of injuries caused by vaccines

the yellow card reporting scheme to report an adverse incident that occurred after vaccination

adverse incidents after vaccination are NOT proven to be caused by the vaccine
'I have no answer. I'll obfuscate as usual' compelling stuff.

yes, youve avoided answering this:

so you
"assess evidence presented"
"based on other sources"
"look at things objectively"

Please can you tell me how you apply that process to the article you posted

the article presents these issues:

1 the article is written anonymously
2 the article has no references, or links to source data
3 The writers and contributors don’t request interviews with scientists, government officials, or other qualified experts to make sure they’re interpreting these documents correctly
4 they dont give the right of reply to any of the institutions or figures they are reporting on, which is an expected journalistic practice

Fully Vaccinated Young Adults suffer 73% increase in Heart Attacks & Strokes and 92% higher Mortality Rate compared to Unvaccinated

Official figures show there has been a 67% increase compared to the historical average in the number of people aged 15 to 44 suffering heart attacks, cardiac ar

I await with interest to see how you have "assessed the evidence presented"
You do realise the modern use of the term 'Conspiracy Theorist' came from the CIA in order to hide the truth of Kennedy's assassination? But let me guess, you actually believe Lee Harvey Oswald really shot him :ROFLMAO:

a weak logical fallacy
Not only are you a liar, you're a really bad liar, the whole page is full of links, including this one

No, that is untrue

all they have done is included a link to some ONS data -that gives the site some superficial authority, but anybody can include a link.

there is no proof they have based the ONS data, nor do they provide any detail how the data has been interpreted

You don't need to be an expert to extrapolate data, analyse it and reach a sound conclusio
yes you do

thats why we have scientists, they study and interpret data, they are experts
Is it? because that doesn't happen in the mainstream media
the mainstream media is simply presenting news

their primary motivation is to present news that interests people to read it -so its sensationalist

I dont rely on MSM for scientific research, I use authoritative scientific journal sites.
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