Massive Oil Profits

16 Mar 2004
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United Kingdom
Now that Shell came clean the others follow, BP announce record profits £12 billion+.
So all the talk of the government heavily taxing them so that they HAD to raise prices, seems a bit of Bullsh*t now!
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masona said:
Thanks for the reminder, I need a pay rise :cry:
Don't tell me they don't give you shares?!? what skinflints!
Old schoolfriend of mine, always brainy since junior school, is now chief financial officer at Shell. Bet he's got a few shares. Last time I saw him a few years ago he and his wife were whinging coz the company had relocated them from Dubai (or somewhere middle east) to Orpington and they no longer had any servants! :confused:
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why blame the oil companys for the high price of fuel

one of u will be able to break down the true cost of fuel

ie how much does the government get they are the real robbers here not the oil companys

the OIL companys make there profits due to volume not due ti a high price per gallon

show the real villians in your posts GOVERNMENT

AA and RAC should be more active in trying to get the tax dropped to 25% the of the true cost not rip us off
Blimey, you're spot on :eek: :LOL:

Oil companies has paid more taxes percentage than any companies in the UK, so how much more would you like them to pay, so where the limit including the windfall taxes they now have to pay on top?

Got to also remember this is not a UK profit but a worldwide profit.

Bp sell a litre of petrol between 14-16p now work out the rest of this greedy government has collected in which the media won't print!!! You would need a few calculators to work it out because the goverment is making approximately 80p per litre when Bp is making only 2p per litre!!! Most of the profit is from gas, oil, bitumen and not petrol.

If it wasn't for the oil companies heavy taxes, me, you and others would have to pay a lot more in taxes.

More breakdown of costs, here

Begorrah...that's coherent, Slogs! :eek:
Slogger said:
why blame the oil companys for the high price of fuel

one of u will be able to break down the true cost of fuel

ie how much does the government get they are the real robbers here not the oil companys

the OIL companys make there profits due to volume not due ti a high price per gallon

show the real villians in your posts GOVERNMENT

AA and RAC should be more active in trying to get the tax dropped to 25% the of the true cost not rip us off

OMG....I actually know and agree with what you're saying!
Stop whinging and pay up. There will be only a few more years left, then you wont be able to afford anything. If you're moaning now, what are you going to do then?
kendor said:
Now that Shell came clean the others follow, BP announce record profits £12 billion+.
So all the talk of the government heavily taxing them so that they HAD to raise prices, seems a bit of Bullsh*t now!

They pay relatively little tax in the UK as there are other countries they can declare profit and pay tax in at a much lower rate. They are on the fiddle.
oilman said:
Stop whinging and pay up. There will be only a few more years left, then you wont be able to afford anything. If you're moaning now, what are you going to do then?

Dying to move out !! :D :D
masona said:
Blimey, you're spot on :eek: :LOL:

Oil companies has paid more taxes percentage than any companies in the UK, so how much more would you like them to pay, so where the limit including the windfall taxes they now have to pay on top?

Got to also remember this is not a UK profit but a worldwide profit.

Bp sell a litre of petrol between 14-16p now work out the rest of this greedy government has collected in which the media won't print!!! You would need a few calculators to work it out because the goverment is making approximately 80p per litre when Bp is making only 2p per litre!!! Most of the profit is from gas, oil, bitumen and not petrol.

If it wasn't for the oil companies heavy taxes, me, you and others would have to pay a lot more in taxes.

More breakdown of costs, here
That argument doesn't equate as even after paying massive taxes they STILL are making massive profit therefore after every other consideration put forward above they are still charging too much for the fuel and can afford to supply it cheaper, how can they argue their case if they declare such astronomical profit?
Done the tax to death..
1litre ULP @ £0.92 per litre at the pump.

£0.47 + ( £0.92 - ( £0.92 ÷ 1.175 ) ) = Tax at the pump. £0.607

So when our fuel doubles in cost at the pump .. Many will give up / divert funds to .. personal or expensive public transport... Economy will suffer.

But in contries like Oz, if their fuel doubles then they'll be paying £2 a gallon for LPG !! and about the same as we pay now for petrol.
I bet they are thankful successive Govns have not relied to a criminal extreme on fuel tax .... I guess we will now have to suffer the guilt of the 'powers that be'.
Bit like the guilt, apparent, over past Imperialism..
:cry: :cry:
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