Massive Oil Profits

The tax is still a percentage and if it's so high then how come the companies can still make a profit? with petrol still costing so much?
the tax must be a percentage of the price therefore reduce the price to a reasonable level it will hit profits but damn thwe shareholders what about the customer?

The math is really simple on this: we the customer pay A
the government takes B
the oil company receives C


therefore if C = ££££££ then the customer is paying too much!
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Isn't that business? If the cost of crude goes up, the Oiler passes on that increase plus a margin for profit, how does that work?

Stack it low and sell it dear .. Look at the gas debacle.
its still the government that is gulity of the high cost of fuel

get them to drop a quid a gallon and i will vote for you:cool:
kendor said:
The math is really simple on this: we the customer pay A
the government takes B
the oil company receives C


therefore if C = ££££££ then the customer is paying too much!
Would you be happier if you can buy petrol for 16p per litre? :D
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I think people should look at where the companies make their actual profits, and the vast bulk is NOT at the fuel pump. I don't know the exact figures, cannot be arsed to look them up as I have just got in after a 5 hour drive..(having a cuppa before hitting the sack), however BP make about 15% of their annual profits from Solar Cell Sales and huge profits from other products and services..about 20% from Aviation fuels. The other year when this was banged on about then it was shown that BP made about 5% of it's profits from the fuel pump, clearly showing, as Slogger so cohenrently stated, it is the Government that is the real villain here...
Big_Spark said:
I think people should look at where the companies make their actual profits, and the vast bulk is NOT at the fuel pump. I don't know the exact figures, cannot be a***d to look them up as I have just got in after a 5 hour drive..(having a cuppa before hitting the sack), however BP make about 15% of their annual profits from Solar Cell Sales and huge profits from other products and services..about 20% from Aviation fuels. The other year when this was banged on about then it was shown that BP made about 5% of it's profits from the fuel pump, clearly showing, as Slogger so cohenrently stated, it is the Government that is the real villain here...
You still misunderstand my argument whether profit is made wherever the company has still made massive profit, the government don't take an abitrary figure for oil it's still a percentage therefore the oil companies could plough some of that profit into reducing the price that customers pay at the pump if having subsideries is how the oil companies spread the tax bill then perhaps the day has come for the oil side of the business to be tagged in with the more profitable side of the company so that profit can be shared by the customer and not keep the fuel prices at the pump so high.
though reading the report the profit was mostly gained by high fuel prices so that suggests that a good deal of the profit came from the oil subsidery.
Bp has paid £7 Billion in taxes in the UK alone and this wasn't even earnt in this country. They are now shutting Grangemouth refinery and they are now having 55% workforce cutback in the south east refinery before 2005 because of Gordan Brown tax grab. If you look at Bp company figures in the FT it shows forecourt business loses money and that why now you see forecourt selling food etc. Bp only make profit on oil, gas & bitumen and not petrol ( they do make profit on petrol but wafer thin margins). Bp company has to grow bigger worldwide to offset the greedy UK government tax policies.
If it carry on they have no choice but to shut the refinery down and Gordan will have to find an extra £7 billion plus more because of a massive redundancy and the jobless.

To be fair Bp and others are only selling the petrol for approximately 16p per litre and those who attack Bp for making monster profits have got it wrong. A decade ago Bp was losing money, now it leads the world. Lord Browne of Bp took an ailing mulit-national risks & gamble by cutting costs, made huge and high risk plans such as buing Amoco & Atlantic Richfield. I give you one of an example, Richard Branson is often applaud for the success of his company and rightly so, but Richard's virgin Atlantic turned in a £49 million profit last year and Lord browne makes over 249 times as much profit as branson's firm which about £31 million a day as opposed to Virgin's £125,000 a day. So why is it many chose to turn Branson into a saint and browne into a "dirty capitalist?"

Bp also pays another tax of £320 million for permission to search for north sea oil and Shell have cancelled some of their plans because of this new windfall tax. Whatever we think about Lord browne, I reckon he's a credit to the nation specially when this very greedy greedy government has taken so far.
1 UK or Imperial gallon = approx. 4.546 Litres.
1 US gal = 0.832 Imp. gals
1 US gal = 3.785 Litres

@ GB£ 0.90 per litre ...
1 US gal = GB£3.41 or US$5.95 (@ $1.744 to £1)

I guess Tennessee users pay around $2.37 or so per US gal?

So we are real expensive !! 2.5 times the TN price.

empip said:
1 UK or Imperial gallon = approx. 4.546 Litres.
1 US gal = 0.832 Imp. gals
1 US gal = 3.785 Litres

@ GB£ 0.90 per litre ...
1 US gal = GB£3.41 or US$5.95 (@ $1.744 to £1)

I guess Tennessee users pay around $2.37 or so per US gal?

So we are real expensive !! 2.5 times the TN price.


you are correct...thanks for the info :)
I know, I have a good idea! We should make the govt. pass a law that says MP's and govt. ministers only get an 'average' wage (ie a wage that the average man in the street would earn). THEN there would be more money in the coffers for everything else and they could cut the duty on fuel :D

Whilst they are at it, they could also insist that footballers are paid less money too and then take all the excess into the country's coffers as well.

Might not be a popular choice with you men but I bet the UK as a whole would be much richer as a result.

We could also get rid of the Royals and all of their flunkies - the tourists would still come to see the palaces and castles just for the history of the places. I mean, Shakespeare has been dead for centuries but his buildings are still thriving!

All the money saved on these things could go towards the NHS, education, roads and knocking tax off petrol prices :D
Don't think that would work somehow...

But, perhaps all Govn. payable pensions should be capped at the national average pay level, current at retirement. .. Anything higher should be self funded.
masona said:
Bp has paid £7 Billion in taxes in the UK alone and this wasn't even earnt in this country. They are now shutting Grangemouth refinery and they are now having 55% workforce cutback in the south east refinery before 2005 because of Gordan Brown tax grab. If you look at Bp company figures in the FT it shows forecourt business loses money and that why now you see forecourt selling food etc. Bp only make profit on oil, gas & bitumen and not petrol ( they do make profit on petrol but wafer thin margins). Bp company has to grow bigger worldwide to offset the greedy UK government tax policies.
If it carry on they have no choice but to shut the refinery down and Gordan will have to find an extra £7 billion plus more because of a massive redundancy and the jobless.

To be fair Bp and others are only selling the petrol for approximately 16p per litre and those who attack Bp for making monster profits have got it wrong. A decade ago Bp was losing money, now it leads the world. Lord Browne of Bp took an ailing mulit-national risks & gamble by cutting costs, made huge and high risk plans such as buing Amoco & Atlantic Richfield. I give you one of an example, Richard Branson is often applaud for the success of his company and rightly so, but Richard's virgin Atlantic turned in a £49 million profit last year and Lord browne makes over 249 times as much profit as branson's firm which about £31 million a day as opposed to Virgin's £125,000 a day. So why is it many chose to turn Branson into a saint and browne into a "dirty capitalist?"

Bp also pays another tax of £320 million for permission to search for north sea oil and Shell have cancelled some of their plans because of this new windfall tax. Whatever we think about Lord browne, I reckon he's a credit to the nation specially when this very greedy greedy government has taken so far.
can you clarify the bolded above as i don't understand how a company can be taxed by her majesty's for earnings outside the UK also are you implying that the oil industry is taxed in a different way to all other companies ie not by percentage of earnings?
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